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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. "astoopid bleck spick" - famous words from our dearest uncle LQuidador
  2. m-town pays for his friends
  3. Thats *sir cloud to you
  4. i see people like deleting my statuses! not acceptable! i will have your head
  5. m-town likes to kill the vibe as you can see.
  6. bleed is more stupid than your average m-town
  7. No other group as badass as we are, sir shepard. Reconsider your leave here at xG
  8. So how about them promos and demos? eh eh
  9. I was spammed with negative ratings by enforcer. so i know how you feel
  10. all hail the holy canadia
  11. My name is cloud, and i am badass
  12. I'll take you in on my team. I'm forming one now
  13. They call me.. the silent cowboy
  14. jb_2000_v2 (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA <-- map link LOOK AT IT AND LOVE IT @Dontbleedpls @@Chrono
  15. jb_deco_v4b (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA <-- Map link. THINK HARD ABOUT PUTTING THIS IN HERE. @Dontbleedpls @@Chrono
  16. the server was broken cause no one could ban from ct or ban at all. we were told not to use slap command or you'd be banned for a day, no one talked about demotions. and then we both get demo'd
  17. i kill sleep in my people
  18. admins are the highrollers of xG. gg
  19. -1 you are very annoying, you spam constantly. just learn to stop for once
  20. +1 My manz peechis. he's a good guy and i place my voucher for him, he's mature and is active, good addition to xG