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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Enforcer stepped down to member via pm to me, which was forwarded to forest 4 days ago. The issue wasn't with that the Division wasn't being run right, it's that our server has been behind on updates etc. since starbuck left due to the fact that nobody can code, and it is too time consuming to learn whilst dealing with life etc. and also trying to have some fun. IMO I did a fine job as a DL, getting hotfixes for almost every major bug put on in at most 48 hours after they arose, the biggest issue was the population literally nobody on staff played the server for more than an hour or two, and all of you came in a herd, you would all join and play at the same time, and then leave an hour or so later together, 1 time every few weeks. I'm just as guilty of not populating as well, however I spread my time out, and did an hour or so every couple days. I think it just got to the point when a bunch of people had personal problems, and others moved, that everyone was missing that special friend in the server who made it that much more fun. Nom, line, Lord of yeast, Pixel, Fuck off lahey, etc. They all made the server fun as hell, i know i loved playing cause of shen, baron, and grim
  2. Enforcer stepped down to member via pm to me, which was forwarded to forest 4 days ago. The issue wasn't with that the Division wasn't being run right, it's that our server has been behind on updates etc. since starbuck left due to the fact that nobody can code, and it is too time consuming to learn whilst dealing with life etc. and also trying to have some fun. IMO I did a fine job as a DL, getting hotfixes for almost every major bug put on in at most 48 hours after they arose, the biggest issue was the population literally nobody on staff played the server for more than an hour or two, and all of you came in a herd, you would all join and play at the same time, and then leave an hour or so later together, 1 time every few weeks. I'm just as guilty of not populating as well, however I spread my time out, and did an hour or so every couple days. I think it just got to the point when a bunch of people had personal problems, and others moved, that everyone was missing that special friend in the server who made it that much more fun. you were fine as DL, no reason to demote you.
  3. Um chrono my toilet is dirty?? what kind of shit plumber r u?
  4. enforcer would be a good option for DL. IMO
  5. +1 the whole point is to get to LR. it's not like prisoners are best friends so might as well add to the "roleplay" here and allow for TK
  6. Well with his computer specs seen above, you cant expect him to see much more
  7. Now i will say one thing, if you're already yelling & cursing, you've already lost the argument.
  8. gg fuzz. and gg bleed, right back at the top again
    1. Forest


      Never a waste. Tis for a good cause. I guess there's no status for it on TeamSpeak
    2. Cloud


    3. Forest


      Notify Silence
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Also if you're going to call me out, you should probably keep yourself in check too, seeing that you have random girls from the internet as your avi. And you have some poorly designed spray as yours. What's your point? I never claimed to be the girl in my picture, as I am not, and had anyone asked, I would have told them so. Don't be calling people ugly if you don't even have your own pic as your own avatar, also it may not be you, and you may tell people it ISNT you(if they asked) but you're giving people the perception that it IS you, go look at your profile and take a look at the statuses those people made. #WeAreDoneHere
  11. Also if you're going to call me out, you should probably keep yourself in check too, seeing that you have random girls from the internet as your avi.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1
  13. gg @@SkitZoFrenzly. you scrub +1 active, know's what he is doing. active on teamspeak gg
  14. Me during one of my lax games.
  15. -1 you cant unfuck the fucked, they remain fucked
  16. -1 A 2/10 M: -1/10 definitely a troll, constant annoyance + hldj spam. uhhh gg. sorry to be the shit news here boys but truth is the truth
  17. coke is de bes
  18. write a short funny story, the best one gets the humble bundle pack
  19. https://xenogamers.org/threads/22434/ <--- CONTEST FOR HUMBLE BUNDLE PACK FOR FREE
  20. Cloud

    i'm out.

    i thought you were out :llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama:
  21. Just write a short story about anything, the most funny one will get the humble bundle pack THIS INCLUDES BATTLEFIELD 3. (;
  22. Cloud

    Free games???!?!?

    Pick from crysis and medal of honor :-)