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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. +1 good guy, knew him for a long time. was a great mod too. M: 8/10 A:10/10
  2. Well it was populated like an hour ago :-). we dont need a hub, just for staff to stay in the server. also some new maps would help, but a hub would be nice
  3. plz purple, do us a favor and leave xG
    1. Matsi


      LOL I think he did, he took his tags off
  4. purple your ban requests mean nothing.
    1. Cloud


      learn to spell you dyslexic fuck! it's too* not "to" you faggot
    2. MagicalPurple


      Lol its the fucking internet why does it matter?
    3. mtown81


      why does it matter if he wrote F*ucking
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. If you want mod for left 4 dead, talk to me or Stickz
  6. Fuzz is the next tupac
  7. i'm actually an ESEA Team owner. and I recruited my top player during the S6 time sent him through open in S7 and on to S8 Invite to win 1st place, after watching him in JB rolling everyone and then seeing his pub stomp on a 2fort server for tf2 he played css but heart wasn't in it, sent him to main tf2 he was captain. see the difference here is that... you actually play jailbreak. I'm saying recruits DONT COME IN JB TO RECRUIT
  8. -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 why waste effort in doing useless shit for you personal preference. Who cares about kdr in the first place.. IT'S JAILBREAK. DONT THINK CEVO AND MLG RECRUITERS WILL BE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE IN JAILBREAK
  9. are you guys referring to the rebel choice in the lr menu? cs:go has that. rebelling on lr w/o the choice isn't good though. If thats what you're referring to (Choice in menu) then i'm all aboard on this too
  10. This is the admin handbook admins and mods should follow. It is completely reasonable, do not complain about the system. Punishments: For griefing, it will result in a permanent ban as it is an offensive move towards your teammates. Racism: Gag, if they continue it will be a kick, then a 10 minute ban. If they continue doing so, follow the times as said: 10, 360, 1440, permanent. Disrespect: Same regulations as racism, except after the kick, you will distribute a 6 hour ban (360 minutes). Assisting Enemy Team: You will be banned for six hours for helping partake in his/her death(Trapping them). Killing 2+ members will result in a permanent ban from the server. Mic spam: Under no circumstance will mic spam be allowed, this stretches from having a young immature voice to the more obvious things(playing multiple HLDJ clips) Or just simple spam. Follow this: mute, kick, ban for 6 hours (360 minutes). HLDJ: HLDJ clips are allowed, unless they are over five seconds. after five seconds it will be considered mic spam and will follow the following ban regulations: 10,1440, permanent. Sprays: Sprays containing immature images, such as pornagraphic images or clips, will result in a week ban. Under no circumstance will we allow nudity in sprays. Continuing in this will result in a permanent ban from the server you were on. Admin abuse: Basic hierarchy follows, so that means immunity follows as well. You may kick your own rank or follow the general rules listed above, if they are a higher rank, contact someone of equivalent rank or stickz. Do not abuse this feature as it will be taken from you if you continue to do so. REMEMBER: After you have banned them once, and they come back, that is there FIRST OFFENSE! If they continue to be a troll, elongate their banning period. BANNING PERIODS: One day: 1440 minutes One week: 10080 minutes Six hours: 360 minutes Everything above these times is a PERMANENT BAN! No month bans or any sort like that, if there is a month ban needed, i will handle it. Until that time follow the times above suitable for the punishments
  11. So here are the general rules you should follow to maintain a peaceful and fun environment for you to play in. Griefing-Do not grief, this will result in a bannable offense. Griefing stretches from purposefully dying to jumping off a cliff for the hell of it. Sprays-Do not, under ANY circumstance post any nudity within your sprays, No pornographic clips or images. This will result in a ban from the server. Skins-Custom skins are allowed, all of that except for transparency packs. Transparent skins will result in a warning, then a ban. Assisting the enemy team- This can go a variety of ways, ranging from trapping your teammate in a corner for him to fall to his death, or push him off the side of a building. Assisting the enemy team will result in a ban from the server. Mic spam- Mic spam is classified as being too young to talk or clear and obvious mic spam, this ranges from using a soundboard for more than five seconds, or just consistently using your mic, such as leaving it on. Disrespect- Do not disrespect anyone in any sort or fashion, this is not tolerable and will result in you being gagged or silenced. Chat- If you have a comment or concern about someone in particular you type in TEAM CHAT @<Complaint goes here> and hit enter, do not abuse this feature as it is there to help you. Racism- Racism is not tolerable, you will immediately be gagged or muted for using a racial slur, it doesn't matter if it was for fun, you will be punished. If you would like to add on to these, contact me or stickz on the forums or through steam. My steam username: Cloud 12 :penguin:
  12. lol banned already.. good one :-)
  13. #DestroyMyLittlePony Campaign
  14. My god purple is penguins maid... that bastard has a kid as his slave!
  15. +1 he was a great guy, knew how to have fun. especially in the cs:go div, something our DL's lack.... :)
  16. how to change name? D:
  17. You had one job adam, ONE JOB
  18. hey chrono can you pull off a nova for me and pull me up to DM?
  19. answer me D:
  20. answer my messages bleed
  21. dang i guess ill have to wait till next promos :( well congrats to everyone that got promoted!