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Everything posted by John

  1. On a side note maybe to steer this thread back on target. Go look up Africa:Ceremony and Ritual by Robert Smith. It's epic.
  2. John

    MMT Staff

  3. I MIGHT JUST SKIP COLLEGE TO PLAY THIS MAP ALL DAY. There will not be an RTV anything day. This map will be xG jailbreak server map FOREVER. No more Kittens, no more Sand. ONLY THIS MAP. +1 I MIGHT HAVE JUST JIZZED A LITTLE.
  4. Why can't we be friends! I will soothe you all with my country accent, and banjos! But if you're in a boat, paddle faster!!!
  5. John

    I'm gay

    This thread is gay.
  6. Forest, you're the only stud in this thread. 11/10 would BangBang! lolololol
  7. I will +1 this request, although I do agree with Forest. He has given a lot to xG. However, if he mass freekills again I think the permaban should be well...permanent.
  8. John

    Black Tracers

    I forgot to +1 this. SO BAM! And more hub stuff is gunna be legit!
  9. +1 M 8/10 A 7/10 Nice guy! Good luck man.
  10. +1 Good player, moderately active. A: 7/10 (Could be more active) M: 8/10 (Haven't had any problems out of you. Good kid, decent person.) Be active on the Forums and TeamSpeak as well. Also, work on the rules you do freekill a bit. Call Warden more. gg no re
  11. +1 A 7/10 M 8/10 Knows the rules, other than that you are a fine player and deserve to be in xG. Edit: I was thinking something in my head and wrote it down wrong on the post...gg me.
  12. After reviewing what others had to say, while it is cheap to send a CT to their death with threatening a slay. It would ultimately lengthen the round if we removed this rule. As a T who rebels as much as he can. I know that when people die at the beginning of the round that is the longest 8 minutes ever.. Sometimes more when the round takes several minutes past 0:00. -1 While it was a very good idea. This would potentially cause people to leave that joined the round late and have to wait several minutes to play.
  13. John

    Mac Vs. Pc

    This should be obvious.
  14. Lol'd so hard at the Chinese Submarine. GG!
  15. All of these authors are totally legit composers! You guyzzz!
  16. Hah! Good choice, I got the privileged of playing a few parts of Carmina Burana, it's a beautiful song.
  17. John

    Black Tracers

    I agree, this would be a nice implement.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znEH0X8wr3Q
  19. If any of you listen to classical music or perhaps were in band, what was your favorite composer? Also, do you have a favorite piece of music? I CAN'T BE THE ONLY BAND NERD HERE. HELP.
  20. I should have assassinated you sooner, I knew you were a fraud! The South will rise again!!!! 'MURICA!
  21. Good lord. The most I've ever had was about 100mbs, I'm lucky if I get half that.
  22. CRABMAN! I HAVE MISSED YOU! Welcome Back yo! Glad to see you back on.
  23. +1 I have played with you enough to think you deserve to be in. However I haven't seen you in a while. A 6/10 M 8/10 Good Luck!