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  1. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Bad Mods making up rules.   
    Where the fuck is this rule?
  2. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Bad Mods making up rules.   
    I lol'd

    No it actually is not a rule.
  3. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in forest is not british   
    Always a Brit in my heart. <3
  4. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Informing xG   
  5. Not Funny
  6. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Its been fun   
    Understandable, I do hope to see you again even though what you think of me.
    Good luck with school!
  7. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in dayz division   
    No one can run it.
  8. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Update 5/26/2013   
    You can now get random items like this or better from random ruins around the map!
    - Timber was installed
    - Shop was added into TownySurvival
    - Each time you die you get to keep 25% of your inventory (Raised for donors)
    - Kill stats added
    - Diablo Drops added
    - There will soon be signs in spawn that show random stats.
    Have fun!
  9. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Bomb Suggestion (Til hub is back up)   
    We mean it as a place holder while you are working on hub.
  10. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm getting sick of stupid people   
    The kill was valid. He LEFT BEFORE 7, but got KILLED AFTER 7. Matsi did NOT have to be in warday. If he killed anyone AFTER 7 that was NOT A REBEL while NOT IN THE WARDAY that would have been.
    The kill was valid and the slay was a freeslay. Punishment will be given out accordingly.
    To prevent flame I am closing this thread.
  11. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm finished   
    Top lel
    I suck up guys
  12. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm finished   
    In all honestlyness I did like your voice. But still who do I suck up to?
    Kinda wish you didn't leave, you would indeed be a good friend
  13. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Update 5/27/2013   
    So I don't really know what els to work on, so make suggestions below for me! What would you like changed? removed? added? burned in hell?
    Other then that, I am switching my focus to Tekkit!
    It should be up to multiverses standards by the time im done with school (17 days) with things to do and what not!
    Have fun and don't get killed!
  14. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in New(sort of) MoTD Game   
    Crazy fun! +1
  15. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Ratings   
    Only the members are doing it....
    Just make it so you can be punished if people INTENTIONALLY spam a persons posts with "fuck you" or something. They will have to provide picture proof though.
  16. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Disrespect between members   
    So it has come to my attention that a lot of members and ESPECIALLY staff have been disrespecting each other. Yes we understand that some of us like to joke around with each other and that is perfectly fine. But then there is people like MineCrack and others who like to blatantly disrespect.
    We need to actually enforce this rule, friend or not I would like to see all staff (Not trying to act like im in a higher position or suck up) actually enforce this rule. With members like DuckiiJr getting these threads started all the time (Not saying it's his fault it should just be ended) people should start getting punished.
    The DuckiiJr thing was resolved a long time ago, people need to stop taking their so called "giant e-peen" and disrespecting other members or arguing about a topic in which neither of them can be right. It just uses room and makes the forum look very shitty. When I go to hellos and goodbyes I would like to see people actually saying "goodbye, come back soon!" instead of "you were always a fucking faggot"
    Now I am posting this here instead of general because I want to see how both my superiors and fellow staff members will feel about this.
  17. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm finished   
    Quit fighting in a goodbye thread. Bring it to private message and get this thread back on track, punishment will be given if it keeps going on.
  18. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Late-night JB   
    I don't understand how you would like to restrict it to only xG members. Mass ban anyone who joins?
  19. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in laith - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Yes he did good with DayZ for the time he had it up but that should not relate to this, nor the +1's he had.
    I personally want proof. Everyone uses this excuse and it's funny.
  20. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in laith - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Donation or not you broke rules. Lol its in the contract. I'm just saying everyone uses the excuse and it's fishy.
  21. Not Funny
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm finished   
  22. Winner
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Disrespect between members   
    Although with the groups. If a group of friends are talking about their hate for a certain person, let it be. That should STAY IN THAT TIME PERIOD OF WHEN IT WAS TALKED ABOUT. And no be brought up in a public manor. Wither we like it or not we all came here for the same thing. To lead and play games. What I want done is the fighting, if we don't like each other then they need to ignore each other.
    I don't want to see threads like laiths. That is my objective.
  23. Like
    John got a reaction from laith in laith - Counter-Strike: Source   
    His ban has gone on for over a month now. It'll be 2 on June 12th. And as we all know, a permanent ban in xG isn't a permanent ban. +1 for the unban.
  24. Dislike
    John got a reaction from abkarch in Ratings   
    Here's my opinion. I don't care if it's someone that's doing it for fun. However, in the case of Laith I think he's doing it because he doesn't like Pinoy. Even though it is the forums and I mean, ratings don't matter. It is annoying to some people to get spammed with negative ratings because someone's upset at them.
  25. Agree
    John got a reaction from MrSaturday in I'm getting sick of stupid people   
    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@orangejuice @@Kirito @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety
    So the general run down here.
    Round was a warday in Soccer. T's were allowed to leave their cells at 7:00. Apparently a T left his cell early, however Matsi killed the T and wasn't in soccer by 7:00. If t's are allowed to be out of their cell by 7 and they leave early and aren't killed AT OR BEFORE 7, THEN IT IS A FREEKILL. I didn't change my reasoning on anything, I also included you weren't in warday on time for another reason for the slay.
    I kicked you because you come onto CS:S thinking you know EVERYTHING and acting like the admins don't know anything and then disrespect us over a slay. If a freeslay occurs we do slay ourselves, freeslays happen. However, you shouldn't disrespect in admin chat if something happens.
    Shadowspy, you continuously argue with DM's and admins and assume you are right and everyone else is wrong. You are wrong on it not being a freekill and not needing to be in warday area by the time t's can leave their cells. It is no where in the rules that as long as CT's are on their way to warday area they won't be slain. I have only ever heard YOU enforce that rule.