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Everything posted by Voly

  1. Watch this. Took me to challenger. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycbK2REik14
  2. Voly

    Minigames Ideas

    This is for MC not CS
  3. Add me on my smurf: TSM Bjerg
  4. Voly

    League Is 3 Love

    I thought you were dead trappin nigga
  5. TY Based Forest. Cheers.
  6. Hubba Hubba :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry: Surrender at 20: 2/5 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe Splash Best Splash Ever!?!?!
  7. Something I believe that should be put on the board for consideration is removing the privilege of donating for paid mod and admin altogether. Goods: -Donations -Active staff (mostly. hue.) -Help when needed Bads: -Possibly more abusive than Chris Brown. (<3 Rihanna) -Crowded staff orgy I might add more to this later, but my studies are calling. Deuces niggas. @mtown81
  8. Currently, I feel that we have a moderate amount of mods. I think we should put a cap on how many mods there can be. (Applying to all divs. Look at CS:S for instance.)
  9. Oh no you didn't! SUMMONING ALL LOL FAGS: @@Chrono ChronosNite, @@PiNoYPsYcHo PinoyPsycho, @@JayBreezy Jaybreeze, @@Forest ChronicFrenzy, @@Warriorsfury warriorsfury, @@DrPepperPhreak Menaces, @@Microsoft Mîcrosoft, @@Leotekk Leotekk, @@Eden AmeGod, @@kiwishuriken5 kiwishuriken, @@gnarking gnarking1, @@RoxyLalonde Xenoas, @@ThePenguin TheP3nguin, @@Temptedguy Temptedguy, @@DMTwired DMTWired, @@Nymph Dahbees, @@Nivek_Relyk Nivekrelyk, @@Stickz stickman002, @@DerpO_o derp1230, @@MineCrack mincecrack, @@Volt V0lyx, @@Epix epicpyx, @@nebulastar1 nebulastar1, @@cookieless IhaveLArgePenix, @@Unger_D unger D, @@CowBoyWonnaBe CozyMan, @@DeathGod BankofPoop, @@BenJammin oneDeag, @@Tiger V3tis,
  10. You're playing a game with cute weapons, basic models, and infested with micro-transactions. What do you expect?
  11. My mommy said I could never be a winner. THAT CHANGES TODAY
  12. You're so fucking done nigga :mad:
  13. Voly

    League Is 3 Love

    Free Heart of Gold
  14. If Speed is abusing his powers, like "spawning bosses," then he should be dealt with accordingly. But if he's "strict" and enforcing the rules, that's fine. He's just doing his job as a mod. Also, some proof supporting your accusations would be nice.
  15. This statement literally makes no sense.
  16. Zzzzzzzzz "What the fuck was that!?," asked the curious Voly.
  17. Well.....being strict is a good thing. What if every time someone broke a rule, they would say it was an accident? Then what?
  18. As for committing, I usually give the torch to strong initiates that know what there doing, Iike a Mundo or Leona. They usually know when to fight or wait it out. For positioning (Mid), I situate myself between the tanks and the ad, soaking the dmg and dishing out the dmg.