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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. MagicalPurple


    I like cheese and cheese only.
  2. I'm not going be a dick so I'm not going say my complaints.
  3. xG-News - Member Submission Event Wtf why is it 2 weeks -.-
  4. I was so happy until i read the last line.
  5. Uhhhh -1 Was given way to many chances.
  6. You have to be 14 to apply @@Forest
  7. Start programming. Introduction to SourceMod Plugins - AlliedModders Wiki Introduction to SourcePawn - AlliedModders Wiki Creating Natives (SourceMod Scripting) - AlliedModders Wiki Compiling SourceMod Plugins - AlliedModders Wiki Why can't you?
  8. Yeah Sure. It's 2 month long period.
  9. We should take shifts trying to populate ;o
  10. We need something that other servers don't have.
  11. Think i fucking care douche bag? I was going leave xG, but now Im going stay just to make you mad. Stay if you like, it's not like anyone cares whether you're in or not, you dont mean shit You do. If i remember correctly you said this...
  12. Think i fucking care douche bag? I was going leave xG, but now Im going stay just to make you mad.
  13. Believe what you want. My team was shit. It wasnt me.
  14. So....? shhhhh your derailing the thread, now go eat lunch I dont eat lunch and breakfast
  15. How am i a fucking child? .......you're 13 So....?
  16. How can children, stop acting like children How am i a fucking child?
  17. I said not to call me a kid. -.-