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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. I have a few complaints about the store. I think the sell prices are to low for some things like 64 gravel for 1 credit/money thing The store does not have emeralds And could you restart the sever so I can beat the parkor again <3?
  2. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSgPo-W7cPtw0BlLXCjHJ4fAuKLWO6ObnnuKo8wJTYN9YvRMwzH You still have another application open.
  3. Is i all i do is copy and paste it in and delete META-INF?
  4. 29 days to change my name back -.- Forest you said a week D:
    1. Matsi


      lol it's supposed to be a week
  5. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  6. He is 13 -.- Or are we letting this pass by?
  7. MagicalPurple


    I only get like 10 fps in minecraft, but when i play csgo i get like 200. Does anyone know how to get higher fps?
  8. You need 20 + 1 co-leader (which you already have)
  9. but you're constantly starting arguments, for no reason... calling us shit admins and that we dont know what we're doing for what? no reason. I called you guys that once because i was mad that i got banned
  10. I will try not to start an argument first and not disrespect unless they start first.
  11. why are you on if you are on vacation -.-? It's a joke. I just don't care. Wait, so are you on vacation?
  12. why are you on if you are on vacation -.-?
  13. Well sorry, how would i know? i dont play CS:S or go in the same channels as him. he was playing gmod today....and talking. Not when i was on.
  14. No, i get silenced again for over using the "Boo" sound.
  15. I don't have to wonder why. I know why. Because he doesnt use his mic so he doesnt have to try to defend himself. actually he does talk in Teamspeak and he does talk in game. Well sorry, how would i know? i dont play CS:S or go in the same channels as him.
  16. I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice. zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one makes fun of him? WONDER WHY I don't have to wonder why. I know why. Because he doesnt use his mic so he doesnt have to try to defend himself.