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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. some I said "Lose Some" So Lose "Some"
  2. Wtf why does it look so ugly?
  3. I think we need new Division Leaders I vote for Kenji and Mtown
  4. Google it. Its not that hard -.-
  5. you are almost as dumb as mtown kid. Dont call me a kid. Kid.
  6. eebic* you are almost as dumb as mtown
  7. Get better at competitive. Bye D:
  8. This should be closed. You have to be 14 to apply....
  9. Im camping i cant populate. and my forum name is not Purple -.- It was taken =/
  10. Omfg just close the god damn thread!
  11. So if this gets passed will my ct ban get shortened?
  12. My ban reason was "relax" -.-
  13. Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid. you just fucking said you did in the other thread lel. How does that say i care?
  14. Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid. Yea you totally don't care about your rating that's why your making a ban request thread. Spam retard. Learn how to fucking read you dumb ass.
  15. Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid.
  16. Yeah right you fucking lier piece of shit bitch.
  17. If you dont think its spam look at the one i made for Celestia