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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. I dont squeak. I just use a voice changer made with my vocal cords.
  2. At least you have more than CS:GO :P
  3. For some reason I'm perm banned from ct I think its the same glitch :P
  4. Why does the tomato have a hash tag on it?
  5. Applying for the tf2 division and was previously a member? Lol good luck getting enough vouches.
  6. I can count... 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10
  7. Dont call me a child. Children.
  8. Dont call me a idiot. Idiot.
  9. Epix get out of this division. Go populate jb.
  10. Thats why you join the clan first and then you mass.
  11. Unless we populate it which is not happening
  12. I think we all know until we get hub the server will be dead.
  13. i got confused after you said "should"
  14. Well at least im a noobLORD so i can control other noobs like Penguin and Bleed
  15. I feel like everyone is spamming me with ratings now -.-
  16. It depends on the map. Like on Roy the Ship everyone is in group either on the big boat or the small one. So it is hard to find someone alone.
  17. i've never seen you on. I was on 2 days ago for like a hour and a half...