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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. We should know ;) No, you should know.
  2. My name is the best.
  3. A store where you can buy hats, trails, and stuff.
  4. How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out. How about you stop being gay, a dick, and a retard.
  5. -1 Made a DDOS Threat [xG:C] Han Yolo #GaymenGaming - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  6. "Pruple is 2smartass4me" -Bleed
  7. "Purple is to smartassforme" -Bleed
  8. $90 Away from pre-ordering PS4
  9. Background: idc On the top "Bleed Sucks" in red In the middle "Corvo has bad aim" in Blue and White On the bottom "Matsi is a fag" in rainbow
  10. You can make the cat purple. P.S. I gave up on making it the right size. It was to hard.
  11. $98 Till i pre-order PS4
  12. Oh Yeah. Its a discount. xD I should changed the title ;o
  13. This is mostly for people who live in LA or close to LA. If you want to go to this comikaze thing i has a promo code. www.comikazeexpo.com click on buy tickets and put in lootcrate as the promocode.
  14. Could you make it so it shows the whole thing on steam for me? I can't get it to work.
  15. Love it. Can you make it into a steam pic though?
  16. Going camping. Will be back on Monday.