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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by MagicalPurple

  1. i eat in my sleep.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAopNWw8l_8 Little intro i made
  3. Could we make a intro for all the videos?
  4. Division: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name: Purple Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40870457 Information: This is for TS3 btw I was Silenced in teamspeak for using the soundboard Bleed said i was using "annoying" sounds like "boo" and "mosquito" I was silenced many times until i was permed silenced. I was only using the sound like once every 10-20 min.
  5. MagicalPurple


    Why wouldn't they do it with the "Shitpost" one if they hate you?
  6. For the color blind people. jb_spy_vs_spy_v1-3 (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA
  7. No like a sweet angel sent down from the gods above. you mean a 12 yr old? No like a sweet angel sent down from the gods above.
  8. Competitive Match? One for CS:GO and CS:S Cost money to enter, and winner gets a fraction of the money we raised for it.
  9. Wait idk I'm confused :/ Every Time i put the promo in it adds a quantity
  10. Wait Yep Only Worked Once. Who Got It?
  11. This doesn't reduce your faggotry level. +1 I only go CT on electric and when it auto swaps me now -.-
  12. I have this thing for a online magazine is anyone would like it click on the link below. PNM - Subscribe - Independent Nintendo Magazine - Wii U & 3DS Go to the promo code thing and type in PNMBQX589 I don't know if only on person so thats why i named it First come first serve xD
  13. I think the bomb price should be lowered to $1000 and the amount of bombs able to purchase every map raised to 50. Also if a t dies with the bomb and another t picks the bomb up they should be able to use the bomb. And Ct's Should be able to buy bombs.
  14. I did it 3 or 4 times. I did not fight about being ban I knew what would happen I mostly did it as a joke. The last time i did it was 3 or 4 weeks ago.
  15. -1 How do we know if you quit CS:GO your not going to mass freekill like you did in CS:S when you quit.
  16. Nom Said I Was Able To Be In The Channels If I Didn't Click On Any Of The Links
  17. Division: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name: xG|TM The Penguin Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42758216 Rules Broken: Admin Abuse Evidence: He Kicked Me From The TS Channel for No Reason. <21:09:32> You were kicked from channel "JB" by "ThePenguin" (member)