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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. ooooo @Muzzle just want him to see this ;D he will know why

    Fuck that shit. Matt is a hacking bastard on tf2ware. This is a big mistake Matt will cheat no I don't approve of this

  2. well I don't really care for xG anymore. It's not you guys it's just I feel like i've stand long enough. Honestly I do care about getting mod but thats not why I'm leaving. Not even really close to why. I've made friends and I've made enemies. Cya I'm leaving the clan. @Hachi @Vector @CoolyCooly @Jpie112 @Nope.avi @Barmithian @Insane @matthewbt @Scrub @Kart @Moosty @Kittylicious

    Also I'd like to sign off with Jpie singing in my honor.


    bai scrubs .3. - Muzzle

  3. 1st map: No literally nothing there

    2nd map: We had this, but it's super broken. collisions are all fudgeed up and everyone spawns in the same area in which people can just camp with a back burner and kill everyone.

    the rest aren't gaming at all and golden eye is only snipers and even then, like the first, there's nothing there and people will just go sniper anyway.


    so -1 for them all.

    oh okie :(