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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Yes because it's a your not touching your keyboard. It's afk. I hate when I get killed for following orders and then die because I'm frozen in taunt. BTW the high five taunt glitch is back and got me freekilled three times in a row

  2. My dad pays for everything for me. I have spent way too much on TF2. My steam games I buy are fine but TF2 became really expensive I spent over 100 keys in mann up tickets (valuing the tickets at 3.33) and around the same on crate unboxing which only gave me one worthless 1 bud unusual. (I am unlucky) I really enjoy silly stuff so I bought all the taunts and a few other things, Summer sale + love and war came to $316.38


    add the price of 200 keys to $316.38 and thats just a fraction of what I spent since starting TF2.


    so yeah... issues lol. :arghh: D:

    Kitty don't worry I use to ask my mom for money on tf2 a lot and I sort of still do. It is a bad habit and I know how she feels.

  3. honestly homing balls aren't that bad. For me I just go straight for the scout and if they actually know how to play hale, I would just rage them. when your in rage they cant bonk you.

    It's really OP and more complicated then that. The scouts get away fast and when it comes down to just hale and a scout. Hale decides to be a pussy and cap

  4. A: Because I'm a magical fudgeing girl


    Q: Who smells worse Teezar or Shadowspy?

    A: Neither the real choice is Barmithian.

    Q: Explain love in 3 sentences