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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Ehh it's a little more complicated than that. What I mean by that is there is more too it.

    Also I'm not going to say anything without Hachi's permission because it may be embrasssing

  2. Okay now that my phone is charged let me finish my thought. Hachi just because you hate me for this assumption that I'm trying to troll you go ahead and disagree with each thought I have. But I'm the only one who knows the full story. I'm good friends with ShadowShark. I know him irl and shit but that's not the point. His innocent little joke turned into this mostly cause you banned him for an hour. He may have tried to make you mad and shit but he honestly when he had these tag "Gx]". He didn't even try to fuck with anyone in xG or anything. Hell you were the only one to pick up on the fact he didn't it. It's not like they have servers or anything it's just a small steam group that has up to twenty people in it. Honestly and kitcat I'm calling you out here sorry but purple and kitcat have been the only ones really doing anything to try and piss you off. Honestly you could just ignore them but hey everyone has different ways of dealing with shit. Yeah I know you have a grudge against purple and what not I'm not going to say why but still is it really worth telling him to fuck off and gag him for every little stupid thing he does. Yeah they may be immature at times but hell who gives a shit. The only reason they pick on you is because you take it to literally. You can call me a bad guy or immature or even fucking hate me for just being associated with the guys but come on. There is no real reason to make a big deal out of this. It's really silly to just try an abolish a steam group that's a joke that isn't a threat.

  3. Actually, only one of them got banned then they just stoped coming. Now they made that stupid ass group called Gx and do nothing but come and cause trouble. Something has to be done.

    Hachi, honestly the only guys fucking with you is kitcat and purple. It's not a threat it's just a small dumb group. Yes they may be my friends but I can't help there stupidity at times. Honestly the whole Gx this is kind of your fault. You made a big deal about shadow shark having the tags backwards. Anyway before my phone dies let me get my point across. Gamer Xylophones isn't a real thing. It's not a threat it doesn't have to be stopped it's just there. Let them have there fun there isn't much to it