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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. I'm not okay with this and I created it
  2. So gather round children and let Moosty tell you a tale of woe. My lease ended the 30th and I couldn't move into my new place until today. So I had to find a motel to stay at inbetween so I could keep my job. PROBLEM ARISES: My city is hosting the USA Olympic Track and Field trials for most of that span, so finding any kind of halfway decent hotel became impossible. This leads me to the Welcome INN. Literally the kind of place you can pay for by the hour, if you catch my drift. For the past ten days I've had to stay here, and it's been real shitty. It wasn't covered in literal semen but it was disgusting. And only about a 10 by 10 room with the closet converted into a bathroom so real cramped, I had to shit sideways because if I faced forward my knees bumped the wall. And while I thought I would atleast have gaming since I braved bringing my PC, but the internet was spottier trash than Tomi Lahren's bathroom garbage bin so the only thing I could consistently do was CSGO pick em and a youtube vid if I was lucky. So glad to be out of that dump. RIP the love lounge.
  3. There's lots of random shit around here. I have 2 300+ cp Tangela. I've seen psyduck. Kingler/Krabby and Exeggcute/Exeggutor. Poliswag. Pinsir and Scyther. Wild Ivysaur once even. Gonna drive around one of these days see if I can't find a ghost type or fire type.
  4. TFW You're cute now but right on the edge of just destroying everything
  6. Moosty

    Overwatch Mm Ranks

    I even won a match when we had 2 minutes to cap both points on Hanamura and the other team had 7. all it took was BMing my team to go two winston, two lucio, one tracer, and one pharah and not letting a single god damn one of them let go of w. capped both with 3 seconds to spare, I had never been more proud.
  7. Moosty

    Overwatch Mm Ranks

    can confirm this is just whining. I solo queued my placement games, played nothing but support, and rode my mic hard, basically willing my team to communicate. it was a hard process and took alot of sweating and my voice dying, but I wen't 8-2 in placement and got rank 59 (top 10% life!!!).it's totally possible to be succesful solo queueing. you just gotta put the effort in, and not play what hero you want too. I honestly have a higher win rate with randoms than I do teammates I know. Because I force those plebs to respect my authority if they want healed.
  8. I'll keep it at 0 for now. it's listed as forum member, and as far as forums go he wasn't even a problem here when he was at his worst. the problem with Vector was always how he dealt with randoms on servers. He was basically just an ass to people, usually people who hadn't been on before, and chased them away. usually it was bad enough that they either stayed away entirely, or left whenever "Vector has joined the game" popped up in chat. The only reason people want/apply for member, as I think even Vector himself has said before, is to wear the tag on servers. and in all honesty I haven't seen him on the servers enough to know whether or not the only issues I've ever seen him have are improved or not. just forums I'd call him a model member, I'd even say I've been historically worse behaved. But his issues weren't forum issues, they were server issues. I can't know if they've improved unless I see him on servers, and I haven't. also I know about the VAC, I would assume you've made an alt by now, if you've either been on that alt on tf2 or CSGO and I've missed it, my apologies.
  9. I'm obsessed. And the hotel I'm at between apartments is a block from a gym so I'm already top dog there (SO PROUD OF YOU SLOWPOKE BBY). Here's a pic of the prodigal child and the rest of my mons.
  10. Well I'm not DM anymore and Bach is RIP so you probably won't get promoted for no reason again. Other than that ayy bby missed you starm
  11. Moosty

    We Are America

    Something something I'm finna secede. Something something Cascadia Rising
  12. All the arguments about "they're only camping the castle not blu spawn" Or my favorite new meme the "blu doesn't let red out of the castle either so it's even" The map is mostly the castle. Explorable area wise, I'd say 85%+ of the map is on the RED side of the doors. Sure, Blu team can explore the Courtyard, but nothing is in the courtyard except the credits room and that one house that has basement/skybox thing. Keeping a team to exploring about 10% of the map may not be spawncamping, but is in absolutely no way even or fair. And if people really think getting through that hallway when there's a solid sentry camp and people spamming down the hallway is a matter of skill or getting an uber. And that they could do it (it's funny most of the people making these claims love that red side). Here's the thing, you can't. And RTD isn't a solution either. If the absolutely only way to break a spawncamp involves waiting around for someone to get a specific rtd, which could take 5 mins to 3 hours, then I would consider that camp unbreakable. Expecting the other team to wait to build multiple ubers, or get a specific RTD, is a time consuming process for a 50/50 at best shot. If there's one thing I learned from this thread it's that we need an arbitrary guideline for what is/isn't breakable. a certain number of sentries/people or something, maybe my map. Because all of the staff have very different definition of unbreakable, and some would just never break, even if it was unbreakable. Also I realized that if we just class restricted engie out of the trade servers, which we would never do, we would have absolutely no need for any spawn camping or building blocking rules, just a concise little "no bodyblocking" Engie was the problem
  13. Im not quoting and editing all that but what bone said about trolls purposely choosing bad or campy maps as the first nomination option, when most players just hit 1. 10/10 good point I've noticed that shit forever
  14. Eh I think you might be misjudging how much animosity if any is going into these posts. Im just makimg arguments and the way I write it seems sassy. It's up to the poll, the poll is leaning remove and has been from the jump. I've already voted, you've already voted. I was only nitpicking lethal, not you, and I only quote sections because as you see here, not all of the original post is usually relevant, and it's just a bit cluttered posting two peoples full Ideas. Never meant anything by it and it's how I've always used the forums since I joined. Besides I'm moving these last two days keeping an eye on this thread is just a take a break while Im in the bathroom or have a minute thing. I honestly might be overdoing it I realize I've been quoting everyone lol.
  15. THIS ABSOLUTELY THIS you disagree with me about nimbus, but most players on the server have the same attitude right here. And what happens when a large amount of players feel this way? We get maps that literally drop the population exponentially. I don't know why you don't think that's a problem
  16. TFW I had a yes vote because I was in a hurry and misread the question. RIP the tie you will be missed
  17. It's the "asking people that want it to stay to vote for it to stay" that I'm a bit concerned about. Is kit asking the entire server their opinion and posting a link for people to come here and vote(completely valid reason to post a link, xG links as a general rule are fine) Or only giving the link to certain people? Ask everyone at once if you're going to be asking at all. Otherwise, it's a bit shady.
  18. Listen I just got off work so if I'm misreading this I sincerely apologize. It seems to me from shoutbox that @Kitsune is either asking those in shoutbox to vote to keep, or asking people from the server to come vote, seeing as Ceyah made an account tonight. (This shouldn't be a coincidence I've tried to get him to make an account for so damn long). I'm just a bit concerned by this, and it seems shady, especially since the vote has flipped since I went to work. It's not against the rules, but considering the population is very much divided and it leaned hard in one direction since I've been working, and mixed with ceyah joining (actually a miracle), I'm getting the vibe kit is cherrypicking people they (I legit don't know you're gender, vix and yourself convinced us you were a lesbian couple. Nice meme but no es true) know will vote their way. I just hope that isn't the case.
  19. If you want to talk long term, we've had problems with Nimbus long enough term. What happens if we remove maps for balance? You're claimimg it would be a slippery slope (my all time favorite logocal fallacy tbh) and you're not making a very good argument. If maps cause problems to the extent nimbus does, they should be removed. Saying "if we remove this then we'll have to just remove more then it'll be worse" that was the argument against gay marriage and abortion rights and spoiler alert the people who made those arguments were wrong. What happens long term if we remove nimbus and other unbalanced maps? The server improves.
  20. Balance isn't the issue, years of complaints are the issue. If the entire server hated clocktown and went through the trouble of official complaints, we would remove it regardless of how I felt about it. The balance is a non issue by itself.
  21. My opinion is that not only are you wrong, you're doing it on purpose to mislead. The map design favors red and it takes no skill to shoot down an area as wide as two playermodels. No amount of skill will reflect a bison projectile, and It will go through the entire team. It's not a skill based difference, atleast on nimbus, whatsoever.
  22. All I'm saying is we have multiple nimbus specific rules, easily exploited areas, and a history of divisiveness with this map. We had to change our spawncamping rules because of THIS map. We've had this map since I've been playing on the servers and there's been problems for even longer. We've tried to fix them more than once yet here we are. We make it so they can't camp teleport spawn, they move on to spamming unblockable projectiles. It'll be something else once that's stopped. This map has only ever been fun for one team and has historically been more trouble than it's worth. I like the map but nostalgia isn't a good enough reason to keep it. What makes nimbus land worth it? Honestly? Compared to the other tgh maps? Also the hallway may not be spawncamping. Fine. One team still has about 80% of the map to explore freely to the others 20% that's quite the improvement. Except it isn't. "Oh shit I can enter the credits room blu is fun now" sure. Consider the problem solved xG wunnered. A painful +1 for removal. It's been more trouble than it's worth, and will only continue to be.
  23. "I didn't say yours was wrong in anyway" Gyazo - b57d276011756e17cd4e6cd2a94868c8.png color me unconvinced
  24. Also if the ONLY reason to keep a map is "It's been here forever and some like it stop complaining" that's an objectively lazy reason. I would be all for removing nimbus. We've had it forever, WE'VE ALSO CONSISTENTLY HAD PROBLEMS WITH IT FOREVER. you guys are acting like there isnt for the sole reason you like the map. Let's have some honest doscussion.
  25. 5+ team members spamming unblockable projectiles down a space that you can't physically get out of range of the projectile in. "All the camp is because one team is more skilled" No it isn't. It's easy to camp because the design of the castle is conducive to it, if there were more than one entryway, especially since the only one on the map is two playermodels wide you might have a point. But there isn't, and you don't. Just because the guy who made this thread is ignorant to the whole situation doesn't mean that everyone who isn't agrees with you.