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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. nah, whether you enjoy the pokemon map rotation we have or not, all of the maps in it are, finished products, with the polish and everything. we have a much higher level of map in our pokemon rotation than say, TGH. adding a map that is nowhere near up to par with the rest, for the sole reason of "we don't have enough" is dumb. if the maps on the server were bad, you wouldn't be dumping so much time into them, which people will continue to do whether we add more maps or not. had we had low quality maps on the server since the beginning, we wouldn't have the population we do now.
  2. We've tested it before. The only area with correct proportions is the tower, which is also the only enterable building. The main area of the city is much smaller than it should be, proportions and area wise. This is an objectively shitty map. We don't need more maps, we need good maps. In zero ways is this a good map. All of my -1 holy shit toma did you even test this or just link the first pokemon map you saw on gamebanana?
  3. I mean it'll go the same as before I'm sure, weapon glitching in the ring for days and it being a bitch to moderate but that doesn't mean I'm not secretly hype. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWZEkVV9EO0
  4. ayyy gratz me STEAM_0:1:63865975 TFW the Dark Lord returns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQWwusO9Jmk
  5. My vote is for Morbias, rainbow palace, Blood Gulch, Aperture, and SCP to be the ones that go. i'm not super passionate about the other 4
  6. and the reason freezeezy is on here isn't because it crashes the server, it doesn't. it's not the low grav, because people don't complain as much as they do on click clock. it's not just your character moving awkwardly, the whole server get's stuttery, way more than just the character stuttering a bit with low grav on clickclock. play clickclock with 20+ and then play freezeezy with 20+ one is clearly optimized, the other clearly isn't. I don't doubt it tested fine but testing it doesn't mean it will run the same way when the servers working it's hardest. because it demonstrably doesn't run as well as clickclock.
  7. we actually have four banjo maps. freezeezy, click clock, rusty bucket, and mumbo's. im suggesting to remove two Mate blood gulch isn't finished and has bad proportions. airstrip is finished and doesn't. please you know they aren't comparable. legit, it happened today, people only roll to hyrule castle because they think it's OoT hyrule. a troll convinced the server that it was and laughed in their face after they switched. homie when I said the words "what map should we remove" on a server of 24, 8 people in quick succession in the chat "oh god scp plz" it isn't well liked
  8. not really related to the thread, but as for this, it's trolls. people who know the maps are bad, yet purposely nominate them first so they can trick newbs into hitting 1, then laugh at them when they realize they chose a laggy map. they did it 100% to ruin the experience for others. and if we have maps that can ruin the experience for players, why?
  9. Just gonna say that we have over 30 maps, do we really need that many? if we remove all of these, we'll still have over twenty and all of them will be good. the server was at it's peak at two seperate times while I've been here, one we had 1-3 maps, the other time we had 9-12. we can have a lot of maps but we need a standard of excellence. more maps doesn't mean the server is better.
  10. Title says it all. too many maps, some great, some bad, some horribly unoptimized. (not Hyrule that's it's own separate thing). here's a list of some maps I feel we should remove for the given reasons, to tidy up the map list and get rid of the bad stuff. here we go, in order I see them on the nominate list. 1. Mumbo's Mountain: just looks not great, small and awkward to traverse, we have way better banjo kazooie maps we don't need this just cause it's there 2. Freezeezy peak: better map, but runs absolutely horribly on a populated server 3. Rainbow Palace: ..umm for real why though? there's no land, it's too small, and you spend all you're time there falling in an existential hell. why did we add this though. plus nobody likes it 4. Blood Gulch: FOR REAL NOBODY LIKES THIS ONE. bland, weird proportions, gives off unfinished vibes 5. Aperture Science: we have a strictly better and more finished portal map. this one, kinda just sucks and doesn't get played. 6. Inkopolis: good detail, nice map, WAY too small for a server with 20+ 7. Morbias: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BBY BUT NOBODY ELSE DOES YOU'RE COMICALLY TOO SMALL AND NEVER GET PICKED 8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): doesn't run the best and the teles to the cool spots are broken, RIP sword room 9. SCP: good map but the spawns are basically hell, doesn't really get played because of it Those are the maps I feel like we don't need. note that these aren't maps I personally dislike, because Cyberpunk and Duketown aren't on here, those run well and get played. this list are the maps I feel are basically excess weight at this point, and I would bet the server get's better if we just straight up remove them. @Scootaloo @BelloWaldi @Goblins @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vexx @Vixen @other TGH nerds
  11. Moosty


    Overwatch is a damn good game, And it isn't tf2. Mei isn't the pyro, zarya isn't the heavy, mercy...alright mercy is 100% the medic, only can fly and revive dead players, so it would be better, but mercy can't overheal. It's mechanically so different from tf2, you can tell the devs looked at tf2 as a jumping off point but they really aren't similar games. They wont threaten eachother.
  12. Moosty


    Mei is Bae. The ultimate character for playing like an absolute bitch. Walling off supports from their team. Flank freezing people. Charging in like a dumbass and going into the ice block in their face, then just back up and put a wall underneath you, Dank memes ready to go. So much self sustain. You can even be a worse person and just ice block yourself until your abilities recharge. 100/10 disruption class done right.
  13. Moosty


    Played more mei than anything else. Also liked zarya, mercy, reinhardt and dva
  14. Well I can confirm we aren't punishing them. Whether thats not enough staff on the trade servers, or the staff on not knowing the nuances of the rules, im not sure. But either way they haven't been punishing "the whiners" in a long time if ever. My opinion is what it always was. We shouldn't punish people for not wanting to choose between not being able to leave spawn and having to use a broken plugin that will probably get them stuck anyway. If we fix /friendly then great. Otherwise we're punishing people for what are essentially 100% valid complaints and that isn't what xG should be.
  15. Bruh I love you but I gotta come clean. our friendly plugin sucks and people hate it. why have we had problems with people being complaining about being killed? because our friendly plugin is awful and not a solution. We don't even punish people for whining anymore because we realized a plugin that gets you stuck whenever you bump into an enemy player wearing miscs, and makes you basically invisible, is a poorly made plugin, not a solution. weve had these problems for literal years. friendly available the entire time. I LOVE YOU BUT YOU'RE CRAY IT DOESN'T WORK AS AN EFFECTIVE SOLUTION.
  16. makes sense, what do you think would be a good time, 5 minutes of nobody being able to leave?
  17. Hey so I know that spawncamping is, and will always will be allowed. we have the rule that admins+ can break it if it goes too far, but we never really specify what too far is, so I think we should try and do that, I have two major clarifications I think we should make. 1. NO SENTRY CAMPING TELEPORTING SPAWNS (spawns you go through a teleporter to leave) it's just impossible to break. even with uber you cant leave spawn with it as the teleport breaks the uber chain, and the half second before you can reclick is more than enough to screw you over. 2. IF MORE THAN THREE PEOPLE ON THE CAMPED TEAM LEAVE, BREAK THE CAMP OR AN ADMIN WILL BREAK IT FOR YOU Not only is it not fun for half the server, it negatively affects the population, which makes randoms less likely to see the server in the list, which negatively affects pinion revenue, plus more people just leave until @Vexx @Vixen and @Kitsune are alone on clocktown because the entire blue team left. these are common sense changes. we've already been enforcing these when possible it would just be so much better to have official clarification. what do you think? @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo @Rejects @Goblins
  18. Overwatch hype! My Blizzard name is Moosty#1894 add me. I already pre ordered it's hella fun.
  19. Gyazo - 2e6f7ad14650e327015e1dc923bee50e.png I found the ban. it was @ChickenPanda, reason was "death threat"
  20. I woke up and I still don't know what I am.... and I only just barely know who I am
  21. Oof I actually had to catch my breath trying to read this. Okay I respect you and imma let you finish shitposting but for real what does ya boy put in his tag.
  22. Well I made a point of only playing when I would normally play and I ended up with 32.1 hours over the last two weeks. So that's a good thing. And I made it back into the top ten on TGH after all this time. #I'mThatNerdThatCaresAboutRanks
  23. I memed out the lmaobox spam in chat but never hacked am I rip?
  24. I'll miss you bby I'll always remember the good times