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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. As far as I can tell we have no way to prove that he threatened to DDoS us, Unless @Rise makes a comeback. This guy still cares about xG after two years of not playing, the admin who banned him obviously doesn't. None of us were there, giving a -1 for a DDoS threat you can't confirm doesn't make sense to me. That being said, if either of you have or can find evidence, I'll change my vouch.
  2. @kbraszzz @metalslug53 @Rejects opinions?
  3. I found the ban. from july 2013 on pokemon. banned by admin Rise. it's been long enough, he doesn't seem like he'll be a problem. +1 for unban Gyazo - c7a5bb8db00a2da4ed91f5c601129be7.png
  4. @kbraszzz can we get a verdict?
  5. +1 for previous reasons. Also wow hale worked together on something so it must have been bad
  6. Also @The_Unlit_Torch had an invalid vouch, count stands at 9, please give ratings next time. -reopened
  7. #PostinginClosedthread #Hasntbeen24hours
  8. Multiclanning is not allowed. -Closed
  9. No evidence. Just wait out the day ban. -closed
  10. Bruh I'm gonna do it just to spite you for not tagging me
  11. Let me make a playlist for the music. It'll be great I promise Also reskin the rockets as wrenches, for... obvious reasons
  12. +1 would be a great addition A 9 M 9
  13. Moosty

    24/7 Oot3d

    +1 for RIP cyberpunk -1 for not being able to find anybody 24/7 Also great biased poll I lel 'd
  14. Ban already happened -closed
  15. Was in a class, got to skip the salt, 10/10. I'm gonna focus up and do a good job though don't you worry
  16. +1 active and mature, has been around forever A 7 M 8
  17. @metalslug53 @DonDingler @Foxy @Bach (as two zero four). And they weren't members but Bolbi, Alita the angel, vixen+kitsune, flapjacks, and Ambassador Jamal of Nigeria. Summer 2013 were the fuckin days bruh.
  18. We should have staff only bosses