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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. +1 I don't even know what's happening
  2. The funny thing is I'm not actually leaving. Apparently trix are for scrubs.
  3. Guys, a lot of people are donators now, alot of people have noclip, unless you want to bloody up your headphones with the constant "SENTRY GOIN DOWN UP CUMON GOTTA MOVE THE GEAR UP" then we shouldn't bring back abstract. We shouldn't bring back cyberpunk either, the server proved they aren't responsible enough to handle the power of controlling map wide music, lights in the disco, and lowering the damage in the disco. A kid with epilepsy told me he had to avoid being in certain parts of the map because people would spam and flicker the lights, I tell them to stop in csay, they keep doing it after telling me to fuck off. Kid never came back. I didn't especially like metal gear, but I have no problems with it. Gonna -1 on abstract and cyberpunk though.
  4. +1 mature enough to deal with jb2 A 7 M 8
  5. hate you too bby doll. jk i'll be here missing you when you get back. widows walk and waiting outside in a storm wearing a white dress looking out to the sea and everything. the whole 9 yards
  6. Raise up squire, address your attire, we have no time, to wallow in the mire
  7. I wasn't even in the clan when I did this, you should have banned me. If I broke your rules, then do your damn job and do something about it. as for telling people not to attack me while i'm in buddha THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES!!!!! they could be farming crits, farming uber, or panspamming to annoy me, all would be against the rules, hooray for doing my job and asking them to stop. shitting on bad mic =/= shitting on someone for their age. not sure what i said to tailss, but he is still bae.
  8. I was the one who was doing the protecting when kevin was around. Never once was I rude to tailss, or speedrunner, or any squeaker for that matter, don't know why you would lump me in with the anti squeakers, I don't care how old someone is. As for the bitching at people killing me while I'm friendly, 2013 called they want their valid point back. I haven't done this in almost a year, since I've been staff. I have buddha mode now. No need to even worry about dying. Good try two years ago though
  9. I will later but 5% screen dim 2stronk
  10. Phone dying, vectors an asserino, but a competent asserino
  11. Nobody ever killed me in friendly mode thats the point of friendly mode brah
  12. 28 for three hours a day =/= 32 for 10+ hours a day. It was still less populated after you became staff than it was before. I could name at least ten people on my friends list who went from populating every day, to never coming back because you're an asshole. You, by your nature, drive people away. Calling someone a butthurt autistic kid and making them not want to come back isn't cool for ANY reason, because that butthurt autistic kid is the one paying for the servers by watching the ads you don't have to watch.
  13. Summer 2013, before vector was admin- 32/32 20 hours a day Summer 2014, vector is admin 15-25 during the three peak hours daily Hub/hyrulening of 2014, partly vectors idea, he's still admin. 5-10 players during peak hours. All time high? Don't lie to yourself mate.
  14. Just read the thread. Before I go with a side, I'm going to judge all of you for not recognizing Tirisgarde. Kid's on pokemon literally all the time, step it up. Staff should know the regulars or something. As for Vector, +1 for mod on a trial basis. I still have multiple people in my friends list who haven't come back since before vector lost powers. Being an asshole is fine, driving people away for good isn't. You followed the rules and protocols as your job was concerned, but how you treat people on the servers more often then not is inappropriate. You only get away with it because you're so irritating when you get upset that staff just lets you do it rather than hear you bitch about it. Give him mod on a trial period, god knows he's more capable than some of the staff we have now, but if he stays a complete asshole and keeps driving people away, take it away for good.
  15. Moosty


    Got a series of emails from UGC. This is what happened.
  16. -1 has a mother series name. I have a mother series tattoo. Gotta back my bro (that I don't even know) up
  17. We lost to weebs in highlander. We have to stop this oppressive weeaboo menace
  18. The Weebs don't seem to be fond of scheduling. No plzerino.
  19. Moosty


    I'll miss you late night shoutbox porn/cancer
  20. some1 give him member already we need him back
  21. Buy me hizi y not
    1. ChickenPanda


      Give me 4 CS:GO or TF2 keys and I will :^)