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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMtZfW2z9dw We're all plebs anyway let's do this shit you know it's still catchy, besides we need another xG sings. @TwoZeroFour @FoRgE @kbraszzz @KendrickLlama @Dethman @Muzzle @Kypari @whoeverelseisn'tascrub let's get this shit going.
  2. +1 they didn't deserve the bans, they were definitely premature. and those reasons were not valid whatsoever. its a public forum, people will shitpost, just tell them to stop next time.
  3. +1 user is active and mature. deserves to be a member a-9 m-9
  4. Moosty


    bach, bach bach baaaaaaach, that was rude. edit: turkeys say gobble, i am a potato
  5. It costs 400,000$ to be a paid mod for twelve seconds
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZi4JxbTwPo this is a shitpost
  7. >getting unbanned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIqwFr0Obyw
  8. Moosty


    No plz you better still come on teamspeak and shit
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxYVa1z2-_k congrats scoots my bby @metalslug53 @Kart you're pretty cool too
  10. Moosty


    The tears they are a flowin
  11. it's a sad day when apologies don't mean anything to the people that accept them.
  12. " Also if you take a heat of the moment message from a different argument as a serious quote theres something wrong" wow, I literally cannot even that argument, what was the evidence you posted then. " I am always doing something", "Whenever I am idle I am either trading or doing other stuff", wow, that contradiction though "Using a retaliation again as a tool to make me look like the aggressor is not good." you could have easily just walked away, and you wouldnt be in this mess. even if it was retaliation, it was still uncalled for. the mature thing would have been to walk away and not engage. " I waited 30 seconds for kart to slay himself and he did not so I proceeded to do it to remove the bodyblock" you do realize its the player in godmodes responsibility to slay themselves in a body block situation right? on a personal note, I'm honestly dissapointed in you @Kittylicious, I apologized, I was genuine, we had a lengthy conversation about it at the time, both of us were nothing less than respectful, it was a bad situation that was made right by both parties. the picture issue was done and i honestly felt like shit about it. the thread yesterday was an entirely separate issue, it had nothing to do with the picture. using a comment on a thread a week later as proof that an apology that was done, genuine, and accepted, wasnt valid. it literally sickens me. I'm really dissapointed in you. you betrayed my trust.
  13. Still pretty salty that an acceptance of a genuine apology that happened over a week before this thread was posted turned out to not be a genuine acceptance of said apology. Kinda makes a guy lose his faith in people. If a person accepts an apology they shouldn't go back on it a week later. If I were less trusting, I would have screenshotted the conversation in which I apologized, and she accepted it, to use as evidence. But I didn't think I would have to, because I thought an accepted, genuine apology actually meant something. Guess I was wrong. We ended up having a fairly constructive conversation too, as polite and cordial as could be. Pity it wasn't truly genuine.
  14. Got appointed to lead the Autistic Self Advocacy of Southern Oregon. Nothing about us without us!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco4z98nIQY can't we all just dance it out?
  16. What i did with that picture was out of line, and i apologized directly to her when it happened, which was over a week before this was posted. she even said in this post that I apologized. and then I apologized once more today, without being prompted to do so. I regret what I did, I've apologized twice, they were genuine apologies, not much more to say on that. It's up to the CL's/Tf2 management at this point. Just make the right choices.
  17. not gonna post much here, but for the record, I apologized, and did so directly to kitty, without being prompted or asked too. transcript of apology is here. [xG:M] Moosty: just so you know vector had to remind me a day later because i felt like crap and went to bed early. I apologized for the picture and was genuine when i did. it would have been more effective coming from you though, its hard to respect people who dont fight their own battles. i've tried to help you be a better mod but you arent very open to advice. i'm sorry for offending you, and i've already apologized for the picture. i just wont interfere with you now. i won't try to help you, or be rude, or make jokes from now on. but that doesnt mean i enjoy playing with you. i honestly dont think you're the kind of person i would enjoy being around in real life, so i wont interact with you online either. i'm sorry you felt so strongly that it had to come to this, but honestly, if you would have came to me directly, it would never have been an issue in the first place. i'm sorry for what i did. the picture was dumb. and I was being immature when i made it. i just wont try to be friends or enemy's with you anymore, as i have no desire to get to know you further. i guess this is goodbye then. once again, sorry it went so far I apologized, the apology was genuine. and i did it of my own accord. do with that what you will.