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Friend of xG
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Status Updates posted by Gwoash

  1. brb
    1. realBelloWaldi
    2. Forge


      you've been afk for a year, come back bby
  2. On all day, bud. http://xat.com/xgrepresent
  3. RIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
  4. #replace shoutbox w/ this http://xat.com/xgrepresent
  5. silver division reached - no moar ranked games for me
    1. DrLee


      I quit ranked after my first ten. :^)
    2. Gwoash


      ranked is surprisingly easy, I used to win a game, lose 2 more; but it's so easy w/ blitzcrank, hard carry your adc.
  6. we are the 1%. @lolredditors
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfeTn8QOhIw WTF?
  9. RIP
    1. Gwoash


      bump, thought it was necessary
  10. stop being an asshole, it's a simple solution guys
  11. I still wanted a class warfare server... >:(
  12. no love for pokemon trade server. :c
  13. matmartinez.net/nsfw/
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8oOi6JOXEQ WARNING: SPOILERS S4E8
  15. “There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: “Not today.”
  16. age 113 eh? same.
  17. level 11 on league, someone be proud of me pl0x
  18. life is a like a dick.. it gets hard for no reason. *.*
    1. DrLee


      Solution: More league-ernio.
    2. xGShadowSpy


      Solution- Never play league.
  19. league smells
    1. DrLee


      Plsernio, I require non-ranked players to play with.
    2. Barmithian


      Somebody in tf2 div is playing league besides me. Hooray