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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. tell us what ur watching, gotta be a goddamn good show to go inactive for >:c
  2. how much is this donation we're talking about?
  3. for context, as some of you know or already received - riot is giving mystery gifts to everyone for good behaviour! it's time to rejoice or to complain about your new kennen skin <3 >implying everyone in xg isnt already chat restricted... sigh happy late christmas everyone! edit: [1]feral warwick - 975 RP [2]fiddle me timber - 975 RP [3]pharaoh nasus - 520 RP [4]happy elf teemo - 520 RP HAHAHAHAHAAHA
  4. On all day, bud. http://xat.com/xgrepresent
  5. Gwoash


    that bello dude is dangerous, hide ur kids from him
  6. speaking of which, why do staff members even have their tags if they place it literally at the ends of their long-ass names. like, you can't even see it when, holding tab to see scoreboard typing status into console looking at players through server browser server chat our dashboard, server list its practically the same as going undercover. ;#; not going to name names in particular but you know who you are
  7. when I was a moderator I asked them using private message to remove tags; doesn't cause any trouble or embarrassment(?). toplel ^ (pls dont break my bones kbraszz) honestly, I didn't bother asking them to remove it as long as they weren't breaking rules or making us look bad in anyway, takes way too much effort to match their steam id to their member submission. the motto I tend to follow is that rules are implemented to keep things fair, not to ruin fun.
  8. kypari was present, you could've just told him instead of going through all this trouble. :)
  9. Okey dokey, have a great christmas!
  10. not vouching, but hi tacobell
  11. Gwoash


    +1 funniest man you'll ever meet, knows when to stop and stfu aswell <3 10/10 would fuck
  12. what, making a moderator application doesn't mean you'll get accepted; ultimately division leaders chooses whether not the candidates who applied is worthy but you were literally demoted a day ago :s if you have any issues regarding your demotion, you should really contact kbraszzz beforehand unless of course you want to be a paid moderator? wtf, this entire scenario is odd. perhaps if kbraszzz would've explained to vector as to why he was demoted, this event would have never occur. tf2 div, pls.
  13. +1 is the hero xg needs. mature, gay blah blah blah
  14. Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  15. update - edit: context I messaged him privately and gave him some support, seems like he'll hop back onto our servers again to see if things have changed. :)
  16. @Barmithian What's the strangest reason you were ever kicked from a server for? : tf2 lee's already on the case!