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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. if you feel so strongly about this, feel free to make a report abuse. How to make a Staff Abuse READ THIS!!! | Xeno Gamers @Moosty @Hachi please confirm what this man has said
  2. +1 active, mature and whatever dem generic vouches say
  3. happy birthday guys good judgements kbras +1
  4. make a thread named kypari's shop instead, bump that whenever you've got something new to sell. >.>
  5. Gwoash

    Contest For Cash 8/2

    whaa, free cash? sign me up anyday.
  6. if possible, allowing us to see who uses the commands would be our first choice, but of course I'm suggesting an alternative method. For the power removal, it's only a temporary until we can figure out who via command logs.
  7. Ask them directly, it's not that difficult, surely one of them will own up - otherwise like I said, restrict both their powers for the meantime until further notice.
  8. staff members can easily type /who into tf2 chat to find out who has powers on the server currently, if you see anyone abusing - go report to nomulous or make a report abuse thread. I'm sure the ones abusing their powers will own up on the abuse thread and if not, restrict both their powers for the meantime until further investigation? I'm pretty sure there's a log that shows all the commands used anyway, right? @Nomulous plz tell me there's a log ;-;
  9. bai bello, will miss u for 3 weeks. :C
  10. YES YES YES! edit: the thread derail is real.
  11. the ban was given out on 01/29/14 from my awareness, the rule was instated long ago, I atleast remember it from 2013.
  12. You can only perma ban someone for hacking if you've got confirmation from 2 other admins aswell as yourself. But it seems like you're suggesting another story entirely. @African
  13. On the Manhamster application, he applied on Jan 4 2014, it's been a good 5 months since; he is allowed to reapply. :) However, his age is questionable - see Manhamster application, user said he was 15 and on this application he said he's 14.
  14. Hexx, you knew exactly what you were doing and you did it anyway despite fully understanding the rules, enough to be considered trolling? :/
  15. Mic Spammers If a mic spammer joins the server and will not stop after a warning, you must mute and then kick him if he does it again. If he rejoins and continues to do this, that is a bannable offence. An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.
  16. Any objections? @Hexx Since I wasn't present at the situation I wont give my opinion, although I would like to remind everyone how disrespect should be handled. To deal with a disrespecting player you still must do the following: Warn the player about the disrespect with a gag or mute. AND tell the player why he/she was gagged/muted. Kick the player if disrespecting continues with an explanation of why they were kicked. If the player comes back and continues then it is a 6 hour ban. Do not skip these steps.
  17. Gwoash

    So Uh

    he's got a point...
  18. Gwoash

    The Cringe Thead!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9v_lGnL2FU plz don't bully me D:
  19. @kbraszzz approve plz. make matsi the hero xg needs. +1
  20. amen, definitely need a proper explanation for each donator status; I can see all the commands on the main thread, but an explanation for each command would be nice. Setting an actual rule and guidelines to using the donator's perks would be nice because we really need to know what is abuse and what is not because you're telling me that cloak and dagger with the usage of eternal reward is allowed on jailbreak? < A certain person used it to kill blues and apparently has received approval from kbraszzle or at least has his awareness of the 'bug'. The hub generally isn't that good either, given us only a few options of what to buy none of which really interests me either. The trails look horrid, the images loop causing it to seem clusterfucked, it causes lag to the server too. I don't know if trails are really necessary. But before fixing the hub or even the donator's perks, please address the issue of saxton hale and death run. Those servers are completely broken making them unplayable. Saxton hales still allows you to choose maps that are non-arena maps causing the plugin to break down; this issue has been addressed before but still nothing has been done. So overall, what I'm really trying to say: PLZ NOM, ADD CLASS WARFARE SERVER.