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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. waitt, so what was the final decision? Swift - team fortress 2 | Page 13 | Xeno Gamers @Hidingmaster
  2. theres a league division on the forums too, so feel free to post league-related stuff there. edit: this was posted in generals, I'm not crazy - I swear.
  3. I don't know about you but we only had to wear uniforms during highschool, not a big deal though. In college you can wear whatever you like. :shrug:
  4. holyshit, dem ratings gimme some plz
  5. speaking of which, there's still that glitch where you type /guard and join spectator, it'll move you to blue team but you will be constantly dead; it makes the blue to red ratio unfair, making it harder for blues @Nomulous or is it... @kbraszzz now!?
  6. Gwoash

    Halp meh!

    Let me google that for you
  7. RIP
    1. Gwoash


      bump, thought it was necessary
  8. Gwoash

    New plugin?

    but... dont u read? :c nomulous already said it's near impossible, we lack the resources to do it
  9. Gwoash

    New plugin?

    is it possible to set up a bot that hangs around on server 24/7 and will receive the message in game bot proceeds to send message through steam to staff members?
  10. [Vouching - Yes&No's] You shouldn't vouch for a player if: You haven't played with him/her. You're not a member of XenoGamers - sorry, but we need our communities voice.
  11. @kbraszzz plz be forum enforcer man(?) and settle this matter
  12. maybe he doesn't deserve the unban, but I don't think his powers should be removed either I understand that "donator abuse" is left to the staff member's discretion (when nomulous isn't online himself), but I feel like having an official rule book is necessary, especially with donators perks where people have to pay real money and losing it without actual knowledge would be terribad @Nomulous @kbraszzz if possible, take some time to make said rule book, it would be much appreciated to donators
  13. buut I thought donator abuse was suppose to be handled externally, through ban request or through nomulous :shrug:
  14. oh wow, u can't do dis, u aint allowed :s
  15. Kypari's Magnificent Shop | Xeno Gamers this isnt a thing anymore? :c
  16. the scouts aren't ruining saxton hale, the stun is; so why limit the amount of scouts allowed? we should focus on changing the stun itself, i.e duration, charge up time or maybe the cost of purchase
  17. keep in mind that our servers are english only and it isn't extremely difficult to include 3 valid characters in your name either :s
  18. no, they aren't legible characters; the 3 characters are suppose to allow moderators/admins to target you easier, you can't be expecting every staff member to know the alt combination use characters from the (more common) default keyboard <
  19. will wait on @SSFebreze to confirm but freekilling only 2 reds shouldn't result in a 1440 ct ban > Proper Punishments Freekilling: 1) Warn and Slay 2) Slay 3) CT Ban for “1440” I'll leave the decision completely to @Nomulous @kbraszzz but I do worry about vector's attitude, especially since he did have a member protest made previously for this exact reason and it doesn't seem like he's improved :/ > [xg:a] Vector | Xeno Gamers
  20. alright, lemme get this straight > he freekills 2 reds > slays himself next round > gets ct banned for a day plz confirm @Vector @SSFebreze while we're at it, might not be completely relevant but mind explaining what: "retarded at math and been killing friends" is suppose to mean? ^^