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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Goblin


    Let's get down to business. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLb9jPuDS9Y
  2. Wow, well no shit it was boring, that's stupid. But what I was talking about was something if like each class got it's own stats and upgrades like in saxton hale or something, and there were actually items and power ups to use on the tracks. I'm not trying to promote a half assed racing mini game I mean like legit Mario kart shize.
  3. The fiercest poet in the world, Michael Rosen in pictures. "The sexy beast, Michael Rosen posing for his photo-shoot for "Sexy British Poets" magazine" "Michael Rosen after finding out plum stocks in the UK completely crashed" "Michael Rosen about to address a speech on how Toenails are beneficial to human society" "Michael shaking his head during the music video of the UK's top hit rap song, "The Michael Rosen Rap"." "MLG Michael 360 no-scoping and Pwning noops in "Call of Rosen: Plam Ops" for the Xbone. "Did I mention he is also a level 100 Master Sorcerer" Michael Rosen is the most interesting man in the world fuck the DosEquis guy.
  4. Saxton Hale is so successful because it is really one of the few Servers that has constantly added new content that keeps players interested. Maybe we should try that with our other servers.
  5. I don't consider trying to kill another racer with an explosive turtle shell in order to win "friendly" racing. Neither would I consider murdering people fun, or playing the same damn games on jailbreak every round.
  6. Kinda sounds like all Tf2 Xeno Gamer servers.
  7. I hereby call a petition to secede from "Xeno Gamers" in order to create the "Xenophobic Gamers" clan.
  8. Huh, I didn't know that. What made it boring? Because honestly all shize on tf2 can get boring after a while.
  9. I'm just wondering if it were possible if somehow someone could make a "Mariokart" themed tf2 game mode. Where the players and the mercenaries ride their "bumper car karts" on a racetrack full of power ups that can be used to get an edge in being the first one to finish a certain number of laps in first place. Hell you could even just make it a death match on a racetrack and that would still be cool as tits.
  11. Mmmh as a kid nerding out on Star Wars Galaxies and Kotor I really was looking forward to this game, I only played it for a little bit then lost interest, I guess it didn't have that Immense vastness of Galaxies or the right Kotor feel, but hey I'm game to play it if other people will do it with me.
  12. No, Fink, I am your father. @[51546:@beboop]
  13. Goblin


  14. I have never seen anything quite so terrifying in all my life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu0QLLbrVVc
  15. I don't know why I found this so funny but... I fukkin loled man. Sudoku- A puzzle in which players insert the numbers one to nine into a grid consisting of nine squares subdivided into a further nine smaller squares in such a way that every number appears once in each horizontal line, vertical line, and square. Sepukku/Harra-Kiri- An act of suicide after being dishonored.
  16. A little bit, you know, Hanky-Panky.
  17. Prop hunt is for facking jabronis and the last one we made SUCKED mad butthole. I say we eat some vanilla ice cream and make a server fanilla style like a little vanilla flavored CTF or CP. Anus
  18. I found some really old screenshots from 2013 that made me come back to this thread lmao "DAMN YOU GOBL" -Waimalu on XREME WAKKA during Ms Frizzle Magic School Bus Day (That was actually my personal favorite day that I created) "[sM]xG:M|Bell was teleported" -Beel every single second ":^)" -Jaystar every sentence he ever typed "TIC TAC TITTIES" I love this so much. "I anal slurp leddle's mom" -Ragnastorm to "Ledlelede cums" (right after beel toggled time bomb on all players) There's hella more things I can remember that are so damn funny.
  19. Remember when there was like 20 jabronis with "Admiral" in their name
  20. Only when I'm camping and they are the only thing keeping my feet from loosing a few toes
  21. Ohhh lol have you tried using /inventory in chat? You have to equip it in your name colors section for it to work
  22. Creating Potato Day on St. Patricks day Listening to Augie, Funkenstine, and 416 argue Ammodrops Defending the Chretien Exit Actually fun Lrs like making people sing (please bring these back because modern last requests are gay and repetitive) Febreeze and Gmask bj's Jpgar mumbling Late night games just talking and telling stories Dancing competitions Whenever Origins left Being able to change maps Dudes hitting on Nora Butt Stallion being warden Jailbreak 2 existing Gibberin Goblin I was a mod Every day was fun and eventful tbh
  23. Goblin

    Hai <3

    Sorry I don't fux with white people