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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Buttcheek Titty Tit Tit head.
  2. I search "dp" for dr pepper in google, instead of soda I get double penetration. Gg.
    1. Gwoash


      lul suree, you knew exactly what you were searching
  3. Do I really need an opinion on this poop. No.
  4. Its not allowed in the first place anyways.... Its Bait. Ya poop.
  5. The Birthday Beel. Happi Birthdey.
  6. Dickbutt Goblin: Fug No.
  7. Goblin


    Just an Update on me in case you were wondering. Hopefully Going to be more active, school ends for me after next week. Whats mainly been keeping me inactive is the fact that I am moving out to a new state. The only things that would waver my activity after this weekend would be senior week, were I wouldn't give two shits about anything because I will be too intoxicated, and times when I go on vacation. Just a heads up you penur flooking feggots. -Love Gub
  8. Wots the progresss on the poster
  9. Just make a chaotic scene with objects from all the maps making an appearance (If youse going to put me in it just make an engie with a mustache gray Vinking Braider, regular Vox Diablous, and the Trash Toter)
  10. Should I go with the ribbed or ultra ribbed condom?
  11. What's wrong with a Little pointing of the finger with a giggle and a snort of heaving, bobbing, and, gagging for a solid 5 minutes instead of dancing?
  12. I actually like that server. Its different from the usual pace of Jailbreak or trade servers.
  13. +1 more maps... simply because i'm sick of Goldenrod's radio music
  14. <- I just look like this. (was high watching adventure time while on steam, changed my name to Gibberin Goblin cause it sounded fresh assfuck at the time. I stuck with goblin and gub cause thats what some people started calling me.)
  15. The picture is obvious. Meezle is trustworthy. The story sounds all too familiar. :afro:Book 'em Dazzlin KbrazzleDazzle:afro:
  16. I posted a bug report on this a while back but… eh… not much attention was given to it. There is a plugin on all the servers that makes other players unable to be seen around walls. This plugin is also responsible for weapons, items, hats, ect. not appearing on their class. Its kinda small but its annoying.
  17. we weel tell stories of boner and analification that occurd within the jeilbreik. we weel hold hends wiff men and wumen of different peepopulos. We shall mourn in communiteh. Loooonnnnggg live the Tf2 Deevision.
  18. Why wasn't I tagged ... This information would have been rather useful 30 minutes ago when I unwittingly stepped into hell on earth.
  19. Do me Business pls
    1. Muzzle


      I sell property and candles