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mrnutty12 last won the day on June 21 2019

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  1. Played Overwatch, not impressed.
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    2. Hushpuppy


      I guess I've never actually played D.Va so I don't have the best grasp on the hero, but I've never played against a D.Va that i had any problem dealing with, although its very likely I've never played against a good D.Va.
    3. mrnutty12


      1) D.Va's mech is easily respawned (from what I have seen it takes relatively little to get the ult that spawns it) , and can still dish it out well enough to be a threat. Plus it gives a lot of mobility. 2) Zarya has 400 base hp, 200 hp and 200 shield which is less than the 500 of D.Va. Not all to terrible tankiness.
    4. mrnutty12


      3) I just don't think that pressing a no effort button to cancel out an ult in general is good balance. It takes effort (or a lot of time) to get an ult, it takes a cooldown to counter it...