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Everything posted by Izanagi

  1. Just wondering, what does nosmoking do?
  2. -1, freekiller, immature, gets into arguments, and kills puppies for fun.
  3. I don't believe that you're only 14 (you sound older) But, +1. Active, mature, good warden, doesn't argue with mods.
  4. -1 Immature, never warden, and @Origins nailed it. gg.
  5. My App: ThanatosTelos Soldier/Pyro Experience: Check how many hours I got on TF2. Also, a subscriber to /r/truetf2.
  6. +1, because I recommended him to signup. Oh, and badass. WTF is up with the site?
  7. Yeah, Febreze and Lava pulled this a while back, and not even the Blus could understand them.
  8. Now, I'm not talking about voice changing programs or devices, but players speaking in a different voice on purpose.I've seen a couple of people do it (Febreze and G Mask come into mind), and it gets really annoying. I know that it might be difficult to tell when its happening, but when people who we KNOW have different voices do it, they should stop. Anyone have opinions on this? Obligatory modcall: @Bell @SpeedOfFreedom @Origins @kbraszzz @samit @Nomulous @Nora @MuffinMonster @everyoneelsewhoisamodorcares
  9. +1, is great, knows the rules, and is awesome.
  10. -1, pretty much everything @Origins just said. I've been a victim of it while I was on Blu and it resulted in an indirect teamkill.
  11. +1, active, doesn't freekill, etc. Not the best warden, but that's more of a skill that is learned.
  12. +1, pretty easy to see what's happening, Matsi.
  13. Izanagi

    Pc Build

    I still find a few issues. First off, Win 7 has lower performance than 8, and there are dozens of utilities (Free and paid) that bring back the start menu. (I like metro, personally, but oh well.) Second, you can get a better, cheaper PSU here.
  14. I'll take back that-1 with a +1 instead. He's learned.
  15. I saw a pretty bad display of him camping for lr and keeping the rightful lr from getting it for 2 minutes. (The rest of the round). Pretty immature from my impression. Won't vote yet, though.
  16. Was gonna give a +1, but him making us play the broken Russian Roulette game that mass freekilled everyone results in my final verdict of -1.
  17. Izanagi

    Dayz Server

    Time to buy DayZ.
  18. @@MuffinMonster , 5 +1s!!
  19. +1, cool player, active, but declares too many freedays IMHO.
  20. +1, knows the rules, is active.
  21. +1, knows the rules, good warden too.