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  1. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to StarmiX in [xg] Derb Bird Man Power - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 Why wasn't I tagged in this/Anyways, yea ban that non-english speaking fuck
  2. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in Xg|dm African - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 African is love, African is life
  3. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Deidara in Xg|dm African - Team Fortress 2   
    you've got to be kidding me
  4. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Voly in Xg|dm African - Team Fortress 2   
  5. Agree
    Izanagi got a reaction from pootisman in Da3vid   
    -1, freekiller, immature, gets into arguments, and kills puppies for fun.
  6. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in Boswer_jr   
    4 -1's.
  7. Like
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in Metakirby   
    You wait for vouches
    -1 Immature and doesn't know rules.
  8. Like
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in Da3vid   
    Impersonated Mod
  9. Informative
    Izanagi reacted to MuffinMonster in I Dislike Wasd Freeze Facing Cells.   
    Except that you can still actually freelook around when they say "face the cells", what I mean by that is if they say "WASD freeze, but no jumping or looking around at all", that is not allowed.
  10. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Voly in Voice Changers   
  11. Not Funny
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Voice Changers   
    I don't really mind it honestly.
  12. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Matsi in Voice Changers   
    I believe there is rules about this already.... that your voice is supposed to meet a certain standard. I have noticed that a lot of 12 year olds use their mics tho and noone does anything about it on TF2... not an issue on CS:S :(
  13. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to DCook in Xg|starmix - Team Fortress 2   
    >tf2 division bitching about too many mods
    >css division has like 30 mods and admins
    >tf2 is more active
    >gonna need more mods anyway
  14. F!$k Off
    Izanagi reacted to Voly in So Many Kids On The Jailbreak   
    You're playing a game with cute weapons, basic models, and infested with micro-transactions. What do you expect?
  15. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in So Many Kids On The Jailbreak   
    League is bad, League is gay
    >inb4 Penguin
  16. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in So Many Kids On The Jailbreak   
    >inb4 Insane, Charing or any other studio gangsters reports abuse on Speed because squeakers are getting muted
  17. Like
    Izanagi reacted to MuffinMonster in Tarp Order (apparently Approved By Nomulous)   
    This is the most obvious tarp in the whole fucking world
  18. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Voly in Xbox1 Or Ps4? (or Even Wii U)   
    PC Master Race Nerds
  19. Like
    Izanagi reacted to SpeedOfFreedom in Speedoffreedom - Team Fortress 2   
    Well, since it seems that this thread has become more of a boxing ring for some people than an abuse report, I want to say one final thing. I am geniunely sorry for those who were effected by my blatant stupidity in my first 3 or 4 days as a moderator. This past week has been a learning curve for me, and I have been trying to straighten myself up with pointless commands. Ask Muffin or Nom, I haven't stopped bothering them asking questions on how to do this and what should the punishment be for that. I wasn't focused on doing my job when I first got mod, and now I am. I'm not sure what the hell I was thinking, misusing my powers like that, and I hope that you guys will understand that I yake responsibility for what I did.
  20. Not Funny
    Izanagi got a reaction from Voly in Xg|starmix - Team Fortress 2   
    +1, is great, knows the rules, and is awesome.
  21. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to John_Madden in Fiery8022   
    Wait, that's not right...
  22. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Jpbrborich   
    Who had the smart idea of telling you to bump every 3 mins?
  23. Optimistic
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Pikachu   
    +1 Good guy but he refuses to wear a condom.
    @MuffinMonster 5 vouchs <3
  24. Like
    Izanagi reacted to MuffinMonster in Mattron   
    Sorry, you must be 14 or older to join xG
  25. Optimistic
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Fiery8022   
    +1 active, Makes me feel good in bed.