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Posts posted by Charing

  1. Its been a good run. We all know I haven't been active as of late and it has all been leading to this. I think that this community has gotten too toxic for my blood. When I joined this clan awhile back, it was in a so called Golden Age, friendly staff, interesting, lively servers, and regulars that were wonderful. But, its not the same anymore, I know all sorts of people have all sorts of theories as to why, I know I have some of my own, but, I am not optimistic as to the prospects of changing the course I see this ship going upon. I agreed to moderate with the hopes that I could bail out a sinking ship with no help, but, alas, it is impossible. One staff member can only do so much to keep a server healthy for everyone. I've decided, that if I haven't played on the servers for fun in months, and felt nothing but dread of going on the servers to do what I agreed to do, what I hoped to do, then I had no right to be a part of this clan. I don't think I will ever be playing on the servers in the foreseeable future. No, ever again. I wish nothing but the best for this clan, but goodbye. To my friends, you all know who you are, I will miss you dearly.

  2. Let me give the rundown on my view.

    -There have been countless threads about removing homing perks on hale, but nom has told us that its hard to remove the homing perks without just removing all the perks as a whole.

    -FF2 has all the bosses Hale has and more, plus no homing perks

    -The only reason hale is very populated compared to FF2 is because hale is a much older server and people don't even know about FF2


    My Solution:

    Since it is hard to remove homing perks once they have been added, I suggest we advertise FF2 on our hale server and play that if you don't like homing perks

    idk Barm, there are a lot of regulars on the VSH, and very few on ff2. Those people would be unlikely to change to a different server just like that. VSH has too much traffic to abandon it. Fixing it seems to be the best course of action imo. Maybe an entirely different perk system makes sense, but I have no idea of that ideas feasibility

  3. the scouts aren't ruining saxton hale, the stun is; so why limit the amount of scouts allowed? we should focus on changing the stun itself, i.e duration, charge up time or maybe the cost of purchase

    I agree that it is the stun that is causing the issue. However, for a short term fix, it is much easier to reduce how many scouts are allowed to play.

  4. Yeah, this would fix problems of near infinite stun lock, and encourage players to try new strategies. Sweet deal, no?


    New Idea

    • Make a sort of queue for scout.
    • Allow 2 scouts at a time
    • Make homing balls charge like any other homing projectile. (Arrows, Rockets)
    • Make it so you can only be scout for 3 rounds, and then you must re-queue (possibly put a minimum time on rounds for hale suicide rounds)

    The thought behind this goes:

    • Scout maintains some of his utility
    • More people get to play scout, reducing the amount of people wanting to play scout
    • Stun-Locking is nerfed, so it is no longer near infinite

  5. Hello all!

    On JB 1, we have been playing a lot of Pokemon (as usual), but there are a couple of inconsistencies I have noticed with the rules. The major thing I would like to bring up is this: Blus lethal taunting (ie Holiday Punch) at reds to win the round.

    While there is nothing inherently wrong with this situation, when you zoom out a little, the problem, in my opinion, becomes very clear. If a Red were to do the same thing, he would be killed. I ask you how is it fair that in an 1v1 supposedly "fair" match, that one player be allowed to do something that the other is not.

    What if I extend that same principle. Could Blu Scout not use his Sandman ball? Or Wrap Assassin? What if we take it even further, couldn't I just pull out my gun and start shooting. I think we can all see the problems with having that be allowed, but why can't we just finish the job and equalize Red and Blu for Pokemon?

    I know what some of you will say, "those are ranged attacks, and all ranged attacks are banned" and my counter to that ill-thought out argument is as follows. Do you have to be in melee range for a Holiday Punch taunt kill? (psst, the answer is no) I agree, that if a blu successfully tickles a red, the he will probably win, but what IF he were to fuck up, the red could still be in the fight, but we won't know because blus have an unfair advantage.

  6. What I have noticed on this thread is that almost everyone posting is someone of equal or greater rank to speed himself. I ask you, is that a fair comparison. Speed has no power over you so why would you care what he does on a case to case basis. Who needs to be asked, are the normal players on the server. Below are several screenshots of speed repeatedly slapping one Frost Butt Stallion, and attempting to blind the red team. He has also without consent changed the entire blue teams names and refused to change them back even when told to by Kbrazzle. Speed has done many other things as well, unfortunately,one man cannot screenshot everything.

    I do not think that Speed should be necessarily demoted, I just believe he needs to be much more consistent and careful with his powers.





  7. +1 fantastic person. he knows the rules very well, and while I am a good rebel, he is one of the few wardens that can stop me.

    thx Chicken, it meens alot to me that XG members consider me nice and reliable