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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. I'm the princess. Poll is bias. @kbraszzz close please.
  2. by definition a princess is a young female of royalty and nobility. I'm the only young female in the poll. Therefore I'm the only one who can be a princess. /thread :)
  3. I voted Germany for @BelloWaldi :)
  4. I was playing WoW tanking dragons. :p I don't watch football even when my dad forced me to watch England. I don't even know the rules but I presume 7 - 1 is a bad loss? :p
  5. I actually agree with @John_Madden it would allow spawn camping to continue but if theres every a problem we can ask it be stopped.
  6. yes please use my thread, Ive already brought up my opinion within it Spawn Camping Removal Dicsussion. | Xeno Gamers
  7. ok so I've just learnt Nomulous has introduced a new rule of no spawn camping on servers. Obviously I will accept whatever new rules are introduced and maintain them as I can. But spawncamping is a much loved thing which everyone takes part in on the servers. Now my main concern with this is a lot of the current tgh maps have facing spawns (neon xmas for example). So say I come out of spawn as a demoman and fire a grenade at someone exiting the opposite spawn. Would that be spawncamping and illegal for me to do so? If so we should just remove most tgh maps completely as maintaining the none spawncamping rule especially to newcomers on the server will be hell. Discuss what you think of the rule and what problems you think it could bring with the current maps, etc.
  8. +1 hes gentle and a shark! what more could xG want in a member? A: 9 M: 8
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14
  10. I have a conclusion! Princesses are royal and therefore have wealth. So I have come to the conclusion the richest person is the true princess. That would be me ;)
  11. I smell favourism in voting
  12. A princess just doesn't date anyone.
  13. If I had a mic the votes would skyrocket in my favour :kawaii: kawaii
  14. I bet I got more valentines than you :hilarious: Everyone wants to date me. Fake Princess Moosty :smuggrin:
  15. everyone knows I'm the prettiest. :dummy-girl:
  16. don't make me put my tiara on.
  17. Hachi might be queen of Saxton Hale but I'm Princess of Trade Gaming :cat:
  18. what have I started? lol :LOL:
  19. I dunno why it would cause crashes its not like it takes a lot of computer memory with just a few added trails and a hub system.
  20. lol yeah crits, everyone knows I don't like them :) but everyone else does so I'm fine with keeping them. I just wish I got more crits as I'm usually on the receiving end of crits rather than the one giving them.
  21. Kittylicious

    Bad Fan Bases

    I've had bad experiences with the Brony fan base. I don't hate all bronies because a few are my friends but I hate most due to my experiences.