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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. so this is highlander for fun between xG members? I might join in but I don't have teamspeak or a mic.
  2. lol. first of all I was not in godmode. secondly spawn camping is allowed. Thirdly you constantly abused me verbally and others on the server. You had no respect for the rules and I quote you saying "fuck rules" "your a fucking bitch" "fuck you you cunt" "spawncamping fuck you" taunting after kills is fine especially if you have a freezecam taunt strange part you are leveling up. You deserve your 1 day ban and -1 for unban. I will tag those xG members present at the time. @Starfishprime_69 @Tavi
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQdfbP_ynmg
  4. good attractive maps help. Boring maps drive most people away and atm there is a few boring maps.
  5. Kittylicious


    I hate summer nights, too hot :oops: hi
  6. There is 7 good maps being added which I have tested and they are very appealing and hopefully should attract people to join and stay.
  7. +1 I've seen you a few times, you seem nice. A: 7 M: 8
  8. A: Pepsi Q: If you could have the ability to fly like a bird or the ability to swim deep in the sea without needing air like a fish which would you choose and why?
  9. A: 3 years 8 months 22 days 14 hours 49 minutes and 12 seconds from now. Q: Pink or purple?
  10. no please because everybody will have glitched scores and it will be a mess.
  11. I noticed that too, not seen him in a while.
  12. maybe but ive heard of the bug lots of times before.
  13. its like when you can't see spies sneak up when your doing high five, its some weird but only you can see.
  14. I hate soldier a lot. You will probably have seen me in game say at least one thing negative about soldier because to me its the most overpowered class and the class which kills me the most. I hardly die to anything else but soldier and it does annoy me.
  15. another +1 from me. Tavi is nice, friendly and fun to play with. A: 8 M: 9
  16. Kittylicious


  17. the thought of saxton hale doing the conga is amusing, I need to see that later.
  18. everyone should get The Ship: Complete Pack and have a huge online game.