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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. So I'm going to buy myself a custom title :) the only problem is I got a list of suitable ones for me and I don't know which to choose. this is where you come in, help me choose one. :p The ideas I got are: Cutie Pie Cuddle Bunny The Adorable The Beautiful Angel The Beloved Pretty Girl if you have a different idea tell me. I really have no idea which to choose :X3: >3
  2. aren't we all being salty recently? :p
  3. I find it more fun. The server is much more enjoyable for me with my new name colour especially since its easier to see my text because I don't have a mic so I need to rely on text to do my job as a mod and buy/sell things and just generally greet and talk to people. I have noticed the friendly scouts running around picking up credits of people you kill which does get annoying as they are like vultures sometimes. But its not ruined tgh at all for me, I find it more fun.
  4. quick question, do you love or hate marmite? :)
  5. Kittylicious

    4th Of July

  6. +1 knows I'm a hacker and is a cool guy ;) A: 9 M: 8
  7. is there not afk manager to put afks to spectate? It does work when going afk with the taunt so I wouldn't say using the taunt means someone is afk, Most people I see doing it are not afk
  8. My dad pays for everything for me. I have spent way too much on TF2. My steam games I buy are fine but TF2 became really expensive I spent over 100 keys in mann up tickets (valuing the tickets at 3.33) and around the same on crate unboxing which only gave me one worthless 1 bud unusual. (I am unlucky) I really enjoy silly stuff so I bought all the taunts and a few other things, Summer sale + love and war came to $316.38 add the price of 200 keys to $316.38 and thats just a fraction of what I spent since starting TF2. so yeah... issues lol. :arghh: D:
  9. what? I don't understand that. :confused: I have been all day looking for a way to make money since my dad banned me from buying from steam purchases until he says so. I'm tired and in a slightly bad mood so I go on TF2 to feel better and I just die to 4 crits in a row and I just don't find that fun. (n) Also when my favourite game mode costs money and I can't sell any items or buy tickets it makes me a little sad and that usually puts me in a mood where I complain about everything. Hence my complaining about crits which I don't like. :rolleyes: Future reference when I am complaining about something, cheering me up usually helps :p I still don't like crits but everyone else wants them so keep them. :X3: >3
  10. Remove them for trade servers and rotation and keep them for jailbreak and the others like Saxton hale. I can agree with that.
  11. I'm sick of crits, they ruin TF2 for me. Can't have fun because of stupid unnecessary things which ruin the game. Vote yes to remove this horrible thing from xG servers or to keep it (why you would want them I have no idea) Hope its taken into account based on the poll results. A good idea would be to remove them on trade servers and rotation but keeping them on jailbreak and saxton hale, etc
  12. I spent (including TF2 purchases after love and war) £185.79 which is $316.38 my dad is pleased. (no hes not)
  13. everyone should be able to have a go being on blu provided they are good and mature regardless of age. But those on blu who scream, act immature and annoy everyone shouldn't be allowed. I vote for no immature voices on blu if by immature voices you mean what I wrote.
  14. omg! :kawaii: kawaii Silence needs to add him asap
  15. ps2... umm get the timesplitters series, they are epic games.