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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. Kittylicious


    I'm thinking of getting Rust too so as much info as possible would be helpful.
  2. In this thread just post anything you find that makes you think and say WTF? :p I'll start with this gif. WTF?! :eek: * don't know why its not showing but heres the link: http://s12.postimg.org/lt5tepx57/WTF.gif *
  3. I don't really like it. Not my kind of show.
  4. a shame it is fake. But I don't get homophobia. I have gay friends and they are sweet kind people. How can you have a fear and hate towards such nice people for what they are attracted to. :(
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=barWV7RWkq0
  6. Kittylicious

    Game Giveaway

    free! :kawaii: kawaii
  7. Kittylicious


    I got gay friends but I'm straight.
  8. always up for new maps. I hope the maps on trade gaming history get shuffled around again soon.
  9. thats /csay and using mod commands to ask others to join you on a another server and then to cause trouble is stupid and whoever did it should be demoted.
  10. Kittylicious

    Joining Xg

    It gets raised before I am able to apply :hilarious: :llama: It won't matter for me though I'm pretty sure I can get 10 vouches. I'm probably the most active none xG from the TF2 division on the forums. :kawaii: kawaii
  11. Kittylicious

    Survival Team

    I'm probably going to suck at this, I don't know many characters for those classes
  12. sure I've had dreams like that. I can't remember most but I can still remember some. Like once I dreamt I was a farm girl in harvest moon just doing the kind of stuff you do in the game but from a realistic perspective and there was this really cute boy and I gave him gifts to increase the chance he will like me. But he started giving me gifts in return but all of a sudden he would just random gift me anything he could find and it started getting annoying, like I was growing these important special seeds for a contest and he ruined the whole field with junk to impress me. I just woke up and thought damn it every time I dream of cute guys they always turn out morons. and now I feel like a nerd for dreams being based on games. :shakefist:
  13. I would not mind something like this for one of its maps. Convoy - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
  14. how do I get those credits? I'm only getting like 1 credit a day.
  15. +1 I've personally seen him abuse powers on a number of occasions, once he renamed me on the server for killing him once. I didn't want my name changing and I was never asked if it was ok so I had to reload the server to get my name back as he would not change it back after asking.
  16. not sure really. I would play any except MvM because I play that enough anyway.
  17. using the name ♥ Kittylicious ♥ atm :cat: Also is there someone I can talk to about changing my forum name? I know theres a store thing but it expensive.