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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. I'm an mvm addict so I will. 44 2 cities tours atm and I know every class in MvM :p
  2. liking the horde trike so far.
  3. so this is the suicide drama guy Bonfire told me about... Bonfire did get a little distraught at this event if I remember. If thats the kind of feelings of discomfort you throw at xG members, we don't want you on the servers. We honestly don't need suicide threats and this attention seeking drama on any xG server. I was also on the server once when he was using the "FUCK xG" name and I politely asked about it and what was wrong and all I got was insults and abuse. If you are actually depressed and not just acting depressed for attention speak to a doctor or phone a helpline.
  4. I read the whole thing and that ending. eww. :dead: x.x
  5. btw were you lagging at all? some of the shots near the end look like triggerbot which shoots target without actually showing the tracking which is what aimbots use when people spectate them. Not saying its aimbot but with the lag it makes it look like that.
  6. what server do you play? you get it from here Xeno Gamers - Rankings
  7. I've actually worked as a mod organising mass spycrabs of 30 people. Also held server contests, tournaments and in game raffles. Tournaments include things like pyro crab tournament and heavy boxing. These days I just do raffles in that group but I still have experience in organising such things. Id love to bring server events to trade history.
  8. lol didn't see the date :p
  9. yea this bugs me too. I think it's also related to people being partly invisible when using cursed souls. Oh and the headless pyros. Never enjoy playing against them as a sniper :P
  10. now you be a good little moderator bonfire. ;)
  11. I got 43 tours on 2 cities mann up and can play every class I don't mind playing one with you.
  12. I usually go there and browse unusuals and go to the outpost link for that hat. However the prices for my unusual is accurate as its worth the same as what it says.
  13. what challenges might those be? :eek:
  14. nothing takes skill on crit servers.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8j_XEn9b_8
  16. aww well bye. I've never had a disadvantage playing the servers though even with my high ping. :coffee:
  17. don't know if you played TF2 but I never met you but bye anyway
  18. another thing I don't like. Beng called a "bro" I'm not a bro :(
  19. cool I wonder if it will be for engineers to make. I am guessing it will be a store mount.
  20. if he was banned 1 year ago then yes I think he deserves a second chance. People do say stupid things when angry, Ive played TF2 when angry once and I complained about everything :p