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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. hello there my fellow Brit
  2. I just bat my little eyelashes at my daddy and he lets me use his card. I started gaining more wealth the moment I stopped opening crates. I wasted over 100 keys on crates since I started TF2 and only got one unusual worth 1.2 buds and it took me over a year to sell it and I had to drop its price none stop. Eventually gave it and sweets for my current unusual little buddy. I stopped spending keys now I have 4 buds pure (about 6 buds in other items, maybe more)
  3. always thought it was the third person plugin causing it. But yes whatever is causing it needs fixing or the plugin removed. I hate my items falling off, people being partly invisible and headless pyros.
  4. Nom is working on it. Regarding Recent Plugin Failures | Xeno Gamers
  5. he'll be back in a month. :p bye.
  6. +1 I remember he sniped me once when I was typing in my LR. I might be new to JB but I know whats allowed. I was pretty angry and left the server. Bonfire was there and can vouch, also think another xG was there. It was last week maybe?
  7. lol thats funny. Never seen it before.
  8. Kittylicious

    Xg Comments

    I saw that, I fear twitch will turn cancer now.
  9. "I have no idea what people are quoting" Hello btw.
  10. I've read enough creepy pasta's to know where this is going. Has Mario got red eyes yet? Btw I know how it is with old stuff being expensive I got an N64 for $50 but I can't find Majora's mask for less than $100 on Ebay its terrible!
  11. Kittylicious

    Xg Comments

    yeah google+ sucks so much.
  12. I've heard of people like this before, they are born with female bodies but a male brain and want to have the best of both worlds so refuse to be either one gender or the other. It's understandable and I don't see a problem with it.
  13. epic tales be told of times gone by
  14. Kittylicious

    Nigga Wtf

  15. ive not been on JB for the last few days and ive been busy with the new rotation server. Only thing ive seen broken is the price check on trade gaming history.
  16. Are you a parking ticket? Cause’ you got fine written all over you.
  17. Kittylicious

    New Name?

    current name looks fine to me. I couldn't change my name now everybody knows me as Kitty it would confuse everyone. Also new names can be hard to get used to especially since your an admin
  18. -1 joined the gaming history rotation shortly and was rude and a bit of a jerk. A: 2/10 only see you once M: 3/10 didn't like what I saw of you
  19. same price as they cost with paypal but with keys. Like the price of keys on community market.
  20. I would like some credits to spend on some of the JB stuff but all I can see is 10.000 forum credits for 10.000 TF2 credits trade and the donation bot offline. What I want to do is trade some metal or keys for TF2 credits either by trading for 10.000 forum credits or if there is another way having credits added to TF2 once I give a donation to someone. :cat: If anyone can tell me more or offer a trade please talk to me. :dummy-girl: and before anyone says I can buy credits with paypal, my parents won't let me spend money on anything but steam. :cautious: