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Posts posted by Kypari

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    Forum ban


    And before you all say, "Let's deal with Kittylicious' thread first!", "It's the internet" or something along the lines of that, I know. However, that does not mean that we cannot do member protests, ban requests, etc because of those reasons.

    This person has been trolling and harassing me and other people. She has also spammed the rating "Shitpost" for no reason and has also spammed her profile with "*shitpost*" after I tried to reason with her.
    Yes I've done this before and that makes me a hypocrite but I think what I did back then was really stupid and sorry @John_Madden

    ^Chat logs from @Bonk and @Ribbit 's argument.

    You can see if you look at these logs how she has harassed Bonk for no reason.

    (Link to thread)

    Now, for absolutely no reason, she starts spamming the rating "Shitpost" on posts that are clearly not "Shitposts" (Examples include member submissions where I +1 it, ban requests, etc).




    Finally, when I posted on her profile, this happened:


    As you can see, I was just posting on her profile and asked her what was wrong without saying that exactly.
    (I can't think of the word for not being specific)

    Incoming shitpost rate from Ribbit