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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Secondly, the plugin itself drains resources on bad PCs. I know for a fact that more than a few of our members have computers that already don't run TF2 very well on populated 32 player servers that have massive maps.

    In that case, I suggest a few day where the mod is installed, and if that causes lag or for people to crash, then it should be removed.

  2. We could say in order to use the skins you must be friendly while using them, It will let people have fun with the skins by being friendly with them and it will stop people from calling abuse by getting killed by them.

    That would mean, @Egossi , that JB wouldn't have skins.

    TGH would, however.

  3. nice bias poll. wheres the keep it option?


    1. its a trade server

    2. its fun

    3. It's one of my favourite skins and I should be allowed to use it on all classes.

    4. stop complaining



    Finally, comment with actual reason rather than an opinion. Quite frankly. I don't care about what you like about this skin and why it appeals to you. The only thing I care about is a legitimate reason why you don't want this to be on the trade servers.

    For example,

    Not even talking about how I can't tell what team the bunny is on.

    SInce the bunny is just a skin it doesnt mean the hit boxes are different.

    if the bunny is moving its head back and forth the hit box will be in the middle. Just shot in the middle area and u will get the headshoots

    I think all skins should be removed. I found many glitches that can easily be aboosed, such as the invisible demoman in the Gangplank skin.

    Could there be a thing were we just remove the skins for jb only? Because when they are in the floor and you cant tell what team they are on is really annoying. Now for trade servers the skins dont cause such a problem except for the few things that cause people to be upset. Like the Bunny and the lying on the floor stuff also. I feel skins should at least be removed from jb and limited to some classes on trade, but if that is not possible just to take them away from a certain server, then just take them away for good, because you can tell they cause quite a lot of problems. +1

    Skins should be removed completely. They are too easily abused right now and have caused nothing but people complaining and getting upset. They make it less fun and fair for the other players on all servers, not just jailbreak. When I first started playing on the servers we had custom skins (r.i.p in peace sanic/error sign going fast), and they were removed for a reason. They should have stayed dead because they caused nothing but server issues and strife between players. Changing the skins enough to make them fair would be far more work than it's worth. Just put the damn custom skins back in their grave and be done with it. We took them out the first time for a reason, and reading this thread, that reason obviously hasn't changed.


    +1 for removal of bunny skin and all other skins from all xG servers. The right choice was made the first time and that steaming pantload storm wasn't half as bad.

    Those are all fair reasons to why the bunny should/shouldn't be removed. Now are you actually prepared to put up a legitimate explanation of why you want the bunny removed or not?

  4. Well, as you all may know, some of the skins are disrupting the game and are effecting the game.

    For example, the Bunny.

    The bunny dances around, thus moving its head, while zooming in with a sniper rifle. This gives the person, who is using the bunny skin, an unfair advantage.

    To conclude, I think that Bunny should either be:


    >Limited to classes (Sniper)

    +1 if you wish for the bunny to be one of the above

    -1 if you wish for the bunny to stay

    Finally, don't disagree without commenting and saying why you think that the bunny skin should be allowed.