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Dethman last won the day on May 4 2023

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About Dethman

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    That REALLY Special Snowflake

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  1. Where the fuck is shoutbox?
    1. Egossi


      ok so get on https://xenogamers.com and then (here's the complicated part make sure you read carefully) you scroll down aight? so you'll see this huge box with a lot of text in it and then umm this should be it https://i.gyazo.com/bec5cac8f6dbf08883038b6bd3a50dbb.png
    2. Dethman


      Awesome man, thanks so much for the help. wish i could pay you back for all that time you took to type that.
    3. Egossi


      if i earned a penny for every hour i spent typing that, I'd be broke as fuck