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  1. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    I'm fine with it :D
  2. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to realBelloWaldi in Inactivity   
    ;-; fuck school you aint goin back
  3. Smelly
    Popcorn reacted to Kittylicious in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I request a statement from the CLs stating their decision on Moosty is in no way being influenced by the fact 99% of xG want to get in his pants.
  4. Agree
    Popcorn got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  5. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Haruka in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Hug war not flame war
  6. Disagree
    Popcorn reacted to BonfireCentipede in Kittylicious - mmo   
    You guys should let the cl's deal with this, Obviously this is one sided.
  7. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Ohstopyou in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Can we please just all hug it out and be happy that we all have computers, internet, and life. Pls. This post war is giving me hives.
  8. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Ohstopyou in Kittylicious - mmo   
    #savemoosty #oof ?
  9. Disagree
    Popcorn got a reaction from Kittylicious in Kittylicious - mmo   
  10. Like
    Popcorn got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
  11. Winner
    Popcorn reacted to Rejects in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    I've grown to love this group and its members ever since I first stumbled upon it when I was first starting out in TF2, I support this +1
  12. Like
    Popcorn reacted to SupremeWolf in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
  13. Not Funny
    Popcorn reacted to Ribbit in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    "You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings."

    That gave me quite a chuckle.
  14. Like
    Popcorn reacted to Scootaloo in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    Should Scootaloo go into teacher mode and explain what system I have in place for my second graders? I often times feel that xG could really benefit from an elementary-level respect system.
  15. Winner
    Popcorn reacted to Bach in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  16. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Hidingmaster in Kittylicious - mmo   
    There's no more room for "even and fairly" banning someone for this. One of them will be permanently banned. We've dealt with this enough and they know better, it's time we end the problem once and for all.
  17. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I hate to see our members reduced to this. I want to believe that we are better than petty insults and disrespect. It's a concept that even the 7-year-olds I teach can easily grasp, so why is it so difficult for the members of this clan?
    I understand tensions are high. I understand the "He Said, She Said" game, probably better than most of our staff considering my profession. I just want it all to end.
    SOLUTION: @Moosty, @Kittylicious ...there is an option on the forums to ignore one another. Use it. Don't interact. Don't further the issue. Just leave each other the fuck alone. It's escalated to an unnecessary level. Be the bigger person in this situation and just squash it. It's about time that this Jerry Springer drama shit come to an end. It's damaging much more than just to the two people involved.
    I want to feel sorry and support everyone involved, but I just can't do it. I want to find an appropriate solution for EVERYONE, but even I don't know what is appropriate for this meaningless bullshit. You're going to encounter assholes throughout life, but you don't have a right to silence them. They can be an asshole all they want. All you can do is ignore them, so let's do that here.
    Moosty put it very well in the thread that was derailed. "IMMATURITY IS FUN, ITS LITERALLY WHAT WE DO ALL DAY." But the issue here is that the amount of enjoyment from people being immature is very subjective, and it can turn to insult and hurt VERY quickly. I won't be one to deny that it is a hell of a lot of fun just to cut loose and act like a moron sometimes, but we have all got to learn a sense of control when we go about doing it. We have ALL got to learn where the line lies and how far we can toe it before "Immaturity" turns to "Disrespect."
    We're better than this. Our clan is capable of so much more than this. We should be able to compromise and work things out. We shouldn't have to resort to playing this bureaucratic game of favoritism and popularity just to get a point across. Stop digging the hole and just climb out and fill it. Please.
  18. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to ChickenPanda in Kittylicious - mmo   
    @Kittylicious I request greatly we hear your side of this story.
  19. Winner
    Popcorn got a reaction from Bach in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  20. Agree
    Popcorn got a reaction from Swift in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  21. Agree
    Popcorn got a reaction from Maymalays in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  22. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Ever since the fallout that happened from the Kitty thread, I have begun to dislike her in greater increments with every single post she makes on these boards. I ignored her antagonizing after she lost her moderator privileges. I turned the other cheek when she began complaining about her terrible luck in MvM and how "bad" of a game TF2 is. I held my tongue when she began insulting and talking ill of others in this clan. But I can't stand by idly anymore and watch this shit happen, especially to someone who is as high of a caliber a person as Moosty is.
    @Kittylicious , you should be ashamed of your actions. If you aren't, it only goes to show how begotten and vile you are as a person. You have literally had EVERYTHING given to you on a silver platter; your mod powers included, yet all you can seem to do with that is brew trouble. You blatantly go out of your way to disrespect and antagonize the people of this community. I once stood by your side and supported you in the past, but I can't support someone who would laugh at someone else's misfortune the way you have done. If there's anything you need to learn from this, it's that you have a hell of a lot of growing up to do.
    I +1 Moosty's permanent ban request. Kitty is EVERYTHING we should be looking to rid ourselves from this clan if we are to make it a better community. Kitty "left" ages ago, but for some reason, she is still here. I think it's time we MADE her leave.
    I would wish you well in your future endeavors Kitty, but I don't believe you have shown that same courtesy to anyone else since you've been here. Just....leave. You are no longer welcome.
  23. Useful
    Popcorn reacted to Nomulous in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I can confirm
  24. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to SupremeWolf in Regarding recent events. warning. long and ranty.   
    Yey! Bach DM best DM. Sounds like someone around here wants to clean up xG. I'm all for following Bach.
  25. Agree
    Popcorn reacted to Bach in Spawn camping   
    I'll make this short and sweet. This rule is TEMPORARY. A test run. As @Vector brought up (after large amounts of cussing and arguing) this has happened before. Just another test run before @kbraszzz, myself and the other staff find a more permanent solution. We can all hate it until we're blue in the face, but we ARE trying to put things in the right direction. Change takes time.