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Posts posted by Stan_Laurel

  1. I somewhat regret my decision in unfriending you, erasing away some ridiculous things you've said.

    Grimnation. Says on your profile that you were born in Sep 16, 1991 (Age: 24). I've seen you wear the xG tag and I confronted you about it and explained clearly how to make a member submission, it was not after I told you repeatedly and giving you my member app as an example that you did this. You've told a lot of VERY noticeable lies about yourself. For example. (also not sure if @PyroBunny remembers but..) He told us that he had contacted valve about Jailbreak about something wrong with it.

    He's very immature, gets mad easily over the simplest things and will tell you to shut up/ frick off. He claims he knows the rules...Eh, he's massed freekill and abused the !menu several times. You decide.

    The only good thing is that he's sorta active.


    Point is: -1


    A: 6/10

    M: 2/10


    I agree with what you said Dub. However, you found the wrong profile. This is his profile


  2. Not only did he lied about his time spent on those servers. He used to wear the xG tags as well.


    And before you say it's not the same guy, the activity hours are all the same and when you click on one of them it leads to the same profile.


    I rest my case.


    A: 6/10

    M: 3/10


  3. In-Game Name:

    Stanford Laurel the Second

    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:


    Steam ID:




    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:

    2 years



    Reasons for Joining:

    I want to join back because I love the servers and the people on those servers. Also I am a regular on the Jailbreak server.

    Now I've grown and I can take harsh criticism.



    If you ask about the ban. It's a CT ban from SpeedOfFreedom cause I was opening cells before orders we're given (I know the ban is old, but still, a ban is a ban.)

  4. Im leaving because of these reasons:

    1)I've never help the clan in a greater way. I always wanted to help with something but I never done that

    2)This clan begins to be toxic for my blood. It also begins to change me.

    I will still be on the servers.


    People who I still love and respect: @BelloWaldi @The_Unlit_Torch @Dethman @Kurama @Kart @ChickenPanda @Ghosty @Jpie112



  5. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    GarrBear, Calculus

    Offender's Steam ID:

    GarrBear: STEAM_0:0:123936938 Calculus: STEAM_0:0:56733974

    Rules Broken:

    Spamming, Harrassment, Trolling


    Also I have witnesses (If they looked at the chat) @lik202 and @Fiery8022 (Average Merc).

    Bullying should not be accepted in any form. Either cybernatic or real.

    Thanks to @Rejects for giving me their steam Id's













  6. I fixed the problems with my family and the bad grades. I thought this would last until July 15 (That's what my father said) but I fixed it this week. My father gave back my laptop and said this: ''Well you fixed your grades'' Also my father said I can help my grandmother in vacation and not now because I have to study. So he problems with my family and the grades fixed quickly,which Im surprised. No, seriously he said I get my laptop until July 15 and he gave my laptop back this weekend.


    Well I guess Im back but quick as Sonic. Which is weird. So. @BelloWaldi @Dethman @Ghosty @The_Unlit_Torch @Rejects

  7. @BelloWaldi if you wonder why I connected on Steam at 13:56 it's because I forgot to close steam on my phone. I connected to the wi-fi's school to watch a retarded video called MLG Telebubbies. After I connected to the wi-fi, Steam connected too. I didn't realized I closed it.


    FYI, I am making from my laptop. But that doesn't mean I will come back and this thread is a crappy joke. No. I wouldn't done such retarded thing. I got my laptop back because tomorrow I have a inspection at informatics and I was choosen to participate as a student in that "special'' hour. I explained that to my father and he agreed. I have to do informatics exercises with C++.


    I only went here to explain this mistake with Bello and why I was active on the forums for a few minutes.


    So gentlemen see you again on July 15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ry4cx6HfY