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Posts posted by Giraffes

  1. So today I experienced something weird, the Handsome Jack hale can not look down so he is automatically trapped in the air. Could you please fix this.

    There are a lot of hales that can no longer weigh down for some reason.

  2. I fixed all of the spam when I banned you for the 30 mins the first time. The server was absolute cancer, and I banned at least 4 people for an hour after asking multiple times to keep it pg-13 and not to spam. You got banned because it was clear you were trying to loophole the rules (which is actually, ALSO against the rules) and you had the intent to piss me off.

    So making assumptions about my actions is a way to justify your own?

    You had no idea if I had intent in finding the loop hole through the rules,or If I was trying to be comical.

    Such outrageous assumptions,and having it actually pissing you off shows the inability to functionally work without being immature.

    With all do respect I am not trying to attack you,but I just can't agree with your absurd actions. They were justified by opinions made by your self,not by the rules themselves.I understand you are being strict on rules,but [Not a Troll Tag] is NOT a loophole for an Xg tag,and it is obvious.

    Including it as a loophole would not be reprehensible. I can't even comprehend how you find me trying to attack you with such a tag?!

  3. You realize people spam that chat constantly, and you can't see a thing.

    Plus chat was being bombarded. I do appreciate you kicking me to ask my name.

    According to the rules Having Xg tags are not allowed if you are not an Xg member(I had no idea there was an actual submission process for it individually ). If I may also add [Not a troll tag] should not be that offensive, nor should you be forced to take action against it.

    I subsided from the Xg company tag, which not only that it couldn't even be considered an attack against you. The amount of immaturity you have to take action against such a "troll" wouldn't be a valid argument. I did as you said and took Xg out of my name and made a submission. It was during the time I wasn't paying attention (During the Rock Boss, Bliz was last alive before I was banned again). Although a lot of the powers you have could have sent the message a lot clearer that having [Xg] and [Not Xg] ,and it is apparently against the rules now to have [Not a troll tag] in the name. You failed to not only communicate,but to act mature in the necessary situations, not to include you irrational and immature actions against it.

  4. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Staff Name:

    [Xg:A] ChickenPAnda

    Staff's Steam ID:




    Further Information:

    Was presumably banned for having [Not a troll tag] In my name.

    Was previously asked to remove [Not Xg] so I did,and decided to replace it to something no relevant to the Xg company

    Here is his response to me having [Not Xg] in my name (Picture 1)

    Picture 2 is the after math of having [Not a troll tag] in my name

  5. So I got banned from the following TF2 Server :

    No reason stated

    I didn't break any rules (Not that I saw at least, the admin helped me create a submission that is about it)

    The only Administrator on was ChickenPanda,so I may have a discussion with him/her.


    Could you guys inform me,what I should do other than giving you useless information?

    Should I contact the Admin that was on,or what?

  6. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    [Not Xg]Digimon

    Steam ID:



    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:



    Older than 16, but due to privacy issues I can't tell you my exact age.

    Further Information:

    I am not sure why we have to submit these to be a member,Having a forum account should be enough.

    I was also banned in the process of making this from the following server:

  7. I am not sure who thought .50 cal shot was overpowered, but why the hell are homing arrows not?

    300-400 Damage a hit Around 1,200 health depending on the erratic charge rate of the arrows.


    It would be best to remove that, and while were at it put the under-powered .50 cal shot back.


    This is just a rant saying that homing arrows are too overpowered.