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Everything posted by Whyte

  1. Or Hachi made it sound the same to me when I dealt with one guy :D I know what this is and its just annoying af tbh.
  2. Hey, Look I'm not a c*nt anymore :) ~For Kb
    1. Whyte


      @[107088:@Giraffes] Tbh though, On forums I get a bit messy, On Teamspeak you'll I'm actually quite a nice guy, its just on forums I express opinions in a bit heavy way, I need to lighten up a little :) and not be affected by trolls who want to take me out of context :)
    2. Giraffes


      Naa you seem the same on both, either that oooor I am blind not seeing the forum posts
    3. Whyte


      Just a little easier to express myself freely without seeming like a dick through my voice :)
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. YOOO This was seriously blown so far out of Porportion like ffs, I understand where certain people are coming from, but this is floppys choice to leave. Saying craaap like oh now I'm only going to be a surf moderator is immature and frickin stupid. I understand we all live floppy but instead of flaming each other on a GOODBYE thread maybe take some action this promo/demo against the people who don't understand the basics of there jobs, this is being handled SOOOO immaturely and TBH I think this should be closed, after all it is a goodbye thread, not a report abuse one. Not going to say it enough, now I'm saying from my persepctive, Floppy you know I love you, I'm upset your leaving, I'm awaiting your return with open arms and a +1 on your member resubmission, take a break my friend. :) good luck with whatever. ^can we have posts like that instead of "congrats on screwing up guys" and I refuse to go on jailbreak now" ?????? And sorry for this, I just woke up so a little out of it
  4. Literally tho, those screenshots show no abuse, but what seemed to be an incredibly loud mute for obvi reasons, WHICH HE TOOK OFF once you guys calmed down, also last screen isn't even the right person :P But Hey GG. Also I'm done with this whole #clientsidemuteisforgetten bullshit, sorry rules are rules maybe don't do stuff to the point of needing the mute :P But hey scoot be scared this is REAL SCARY FOR YA
  5. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Ha. Sorry been awhile since I've done that, I suggest Mona Pizza, Considering you literally just threatened the fracking server XD :coffee:
  7. Ok, Sorry for me calling a lot of this out now even if its a goodbye thread. I swear you know I love you Floppy, but the actual reason your leaving is because you still refused to have fun on the servers, you acted like a tightass, it was the only problem I had around you, and it was also the only thing that most likely prevented you from becoming a mod. FUN IS ALLOWED, AND ENCOURAGED ON XG SERVERS. Plus, this whole anonymous thing of people saying they should be concerned with they're actions isn't something you want to write in your goodbye thread, its the same as that status you had that pissed off people. Your trying to tell people they're worse then you because they want to have fun. Rules are Rules, Yes, and should ALWAYS be followed, and even with these stories which BY THE WAY, are lacking in the full thing, and mores what you want to believe to put YOU in the right, are just yuck. I'm just disappointed in some of the stuff that's happened regarding you lately, I liked you better in teamspeak, and I await your return, but when you come back, lighten up, there is a difference between being lenient and gun to the back of head waiting to fire. Also, wait till you become mod before you start trying to be a mod, you'll def. have more fun that way. Also I hope you know that @Fiery8022 isn't demonic.... and that @Diamonde is demonic...... Good Luck to you man, and we don't need a flame war based on this simple opinion, this isn't only from me. Can't wait for you to come around again :) ~The Concerned Staff Members :coffee:
  8. Nah it's ok plenty of people have been promoted while already inactive so...... :coffee: also that first tag on me shows the love, imma miss you dude :c it's a lot more fun for me when your around. :)
  9. +1 obi reasons, please team bannerino
  10. And yes @Insane the majority of practices will be MANDATORY aka if you don't make it without telling me in advance you won't play the match and I'll get a sub real quick :)
  11. Love is back on? Question mark.?
  12. When you put in your time active I'm guessing you meant how long you've been on steam since you joined May 17, of 2013? Right? How long have you been on the xenogamers servers.
  13. The n only reason I haven't -1 him yet, is because a lot of people happen to make the Time in xG vs. Time in TF2, If someone could link his steam profile, it'd be nice to know if he made the mistake or just wanted the supposed vouches for being on for 5 years :)
  14. Hahhahahhahahhahahahahahhhhahahahahahhaahaa........ F*ck Love, Im done
    1. Flareon


      ;~; i know that feel
  15. That still has nothing to do with your forum account. Please Calm Down Sir. Ways too many notifications from you.
  16. On your XG forum profile please stop spamming. We have other posts to deal with too.
  17. Death wasn't afk, Dr_Office has a very interesting mechanic that slays the blue if he doesn't move from the starting area within 5 seconds, Also yes I was Lala, Staff members are allowed to go undercover, you of all people know that I do that a lot because of the amount of exploiting done on Dr_office and dr_horrors specifically, Also I did say the painis easter egg is an exploit ruled by higher ups here is the screenshot :) also provided is The motivator going past you even though you so kindly said that you did that yourself in your ban protest. ALSO attached is another ban of yours for glutting on deathrun just for reference. You tried to do a n exploit because you thought no staff member was on and I also said how I would get someone to ban you for doing the exploit, if you did, (if you want I can get the screenshot of that too :)) Tio, Im generally ashamed of you as you have constantly seen me ban people for doing the same thing you were banned for undercover or not, your friend was also banned for a day as its his first offense but yours is a week, I suggest you wait the week out and we can try again Tio, just because you think the police aren't watching doesn't make you in the right :) :coffee:
  18. You did that to yourself, I asked a simple question of why it said 27 years old on your profile, but 19 On your member submission, you also say your active 5 years, when nobody has heard of you I guess. You said you uncle created the account awhile back, when you created the account today with your first post being this. Soon Maybe get your story and your info. right before trying to lie when people actually notice things :) :coffee:
  19. My baby salt king he's not that salty actually. A:9/11 M:9/11 Representing that NYC hype, hometown of 9/11 best holiday confirmed
  20. But he never made one posting or anything like that with it? Why would your uncle make an xG forum account without the intention of doing something exactly?
  21. Why tf does it say 27 on your profile but 19 here? EXPLAIN YOURSELF :cool:
  22. Fun fact: Fun fact: a kidney is worth $262,000 in the U.S. Black market :) don't ask me how I know this :coffee:
  23. "ITS CRAZY! We finish each other's..." "Heroin!" "Thats not what I was gunna say..."
  24. awwww shet, I know we haven't gotten along the best as of late on account of my own bitchyness sometimes :P but I actually do like you dude :P sad that you're steeping down, but hey at least your still member right ? and one you'll eat the food i cooked :3