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About Ryan_Sebastian

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  1. That all sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. People are saying, right here, right now, that they are not having fun because of you using your powers the way you are. It doesn't take someone at GENIUS level to figure out that that is called ~*~Power abuse~*~.
  2. He's not wrong... that or block people.
  3. Come back, I don't know you personally but if you've thought of it and it's weighing on you that much you can't be that bad a person.
  4. So I was banned last week for reason "Trolling/harassment". I would like to ask for some specifics as to where this happened, because I simply posted my own opinion on the matter, and then responded to quite a lot of hate coming my way. I don't see why I was the one banned when I was the one being verbally assaulted by many of the members here. I don't want people to be against me, I just want to post my own opinions without fear of getting banned because people don't agree with it. If you wont let me do that, then I will gladly not post on threads here. What are your thoughts on the matter, everyone?
  5. I told you i'd be more than happy to talk to people on teamspeak about it if yall want. I mean, I've stated i'm an actual member a few times now, don't know why you're all troll obsessed. I guess anyway with a different opinion is a troll? "You should never have felt the need to comment in the first place. you've never met her and this post was for friends." Oh please. Don't lie to yourself. If this guy wanted to tell his friends that he was a trans he wouldn't do it via an internet forum, he would uhh, tell you in person. You know, like any normal sane human would. "Inb4 no right to ban, honestly don't care, I'll get in trouble on the internet oof the fear." I must be really dumb because I didn't understand a word of that. Sorry :/
  6. I created this account because I released I was a member for a couple years now and I should probably make one. And its not possible to comment on this stuff w/o one too.
  7. I always wondered why people think saying kid makes them seem superior. To me you just look like a 16 year old trying his hardest to appear mature, but go on, continue trying, kid. I think it's cute ^_^
  8. Biological gender is what 99%, actually 100% really, of people use to determine peoples gender. Because he suddenly decided he likes the term "Female" more, that doesn't really make him a female. At best he's a feminine male, which is fine. I'll ignore the rest of the junk you said and get to " Can someone ban me, i'm a nerd " Part. I don't agree with your opinion = Ban? What a great fuzzy warm family this is, where if you raise your opinion everyone wants to throw you out on the streets. Very warm indeed. Oh, I forgot the nerd part. You're right about that, though I think that's just luck tbh. 1 out of 3 isn't a bad score though I guess.
  9. That's nice, I posted something with stuff backing it up showing that I disagree, and your response is "You're a dumbfuck", Nice, 10/10 continue jerking it to ponies that 7 year olds watch. 10/10 m8 ^_^
  10. The fact that he's being a dick by saying "agree with me or you'll be demeaned" I mean that's not really uhh... But I mean you go on man! Be supportive! Let him be a kunt to people all he wants! Btw I r8 your post 2/8, try to be original m8.
  11. Well Armin actually didn't "just ask to be treated like a girl" I'll have to ask you if you read any of that at all, actually. And by the way, thanks for helping my point! I'll make sure to quote you next time I need a cite for people who have different opinions than the circlejerk. Its an internet forum, this is how they work buddy.
  12. You have to make an account to comment you know, i'd be more than happy to voice this stuff in teamspeak though if you really want. I don't really mind.