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  1. ShadowGhost2


    Made a strawpoll - [MEDIA=strawpoll]5955938[/MEDIA]
  2. ShadowGhost2


    This is exactly the problem. Think of it like a bad relationship. Sure you may have good moments but more often than not something is wrong between the 2 people. But yes if he stops talking about all that gross stuff than I would probably be fine having him on here. BUT if I had the absolute decision he probably never would have joined. Call me a bigot all you want but furries are still revolting.
  3. Now I agree that the rule you made in your example was intended to be fairly clear but if you dont right a rule explaining what camping is then they did nothing wrong... It was just poor planning on your or whoever made the rule's part. When things like that happen adjust the rules so they cant be bent like that (as I see you eventually did. +1 for learning from mistakes). Also when you adjust rules make sure you send out an announcement to everyone so that they see the change in the rules. Otherwise you could change the rules without anyone knowing and then wonder why everyone is breaking the rule that only you know about... :P.
  4. I don't really know if you are a mod or not but arguing with the staff is a BS rule... What if they are in the wrong like Matsi is now? Can't argue anything against him because he said he did nothing wrong.
  5. Loop holling isnt really a thing BTW.... It just means that you didn't fully understand the terms or rules or... Whatever was set.
  6. Yah but they should also know that if it bothers them to the point where they are hurting over it, then they probably shouldn't be where they are anyways. i.e. the internet.
  7. Winning 2nd in the T:A NA Draft of 2015. FPS-Z HYPE!
  8. That's like saying that an apple is an orange because they both come from trees. Without hitler or the nazis the rule becomes irelivant. Also, how is my opinion bigoting?
  9. Because you don't fix your problems by ignoring them.
  10. But "go away" doesn't exactly equal "leave" either. To "go away" is simply to create distance. Not completely leave.
  11. I don't intend to. I'm actually trying to stop fudge by explaining why he is trying to make up with you guys on whatever he did wrong. People are simply taking it the wrong way and assuming (wow I can't use the word as.suming without it changing) that he (and I) intend to create more drama. But by trying to stop more drama from starting, drama starts about stopping drama...
  12. Basically it isn't though. The core basic of the rule is that Naziism or Hitler will be mentioned to compare someone ore something. Since neither Hitler nor Naziism was mentioned in a comparison then the rule can not apply.