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Status Updates posted by DrunkOlLunk

  1. Cops theme for jailbreak 2016
  2. Giff Gold Dendi card Volvo.
  3. High hopes for Na'Vi going into TI6. I'd be happy with 1st-6th.
    1. Goblins


      Lol fuck Na'Vi. [A]lliance for life, homie.
    2. DrunkOlLunk


      I hope Alliance shows up as well. Hopefully they meet in the group stage for another el classico.
    3. Goblins


      Hopefully they don't fuck up this TI. It'd be cool to see them get up to the top 3
  4. Inactive for a while due to Dota and other things
    1. Hushpuppy


      Brb playing pitlord for 3 months strait.
  5. Last day of TI6. Cool AR effects, Jimmy Doto, EU LUL, 104/110 heroes picked, and 2 new heroes. Exceeded my expectations! (except NaVi :( )
    1. Hushpuppy


      XD Classic Jimmy
  6. My sleep schedule is garbage.
  7. Na'Vi vs Liquid BO1. FeelsBadman.
  8. Na'Vi's road is over. GG to Team Liquid.
  9. Someone needs to remake Balloon Race, some rounds are silly.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrunkOlLunk


      I just feel like the first 3 points are useless as they ruin any advantage you have, and whoever gets the last point usually wins due to how close it is to the finish line.
    3. Egossi


      not really, the points are supposed to give disadvantage to the winning team to keep the balance and make the race actually fun and challenging for the both sides rather than "Oh you went past us there is no chance we can catch you now :((", the map really just makes sure it's fair and balanced there is no problem with it
    4. DrunkOlLunk


      I guess that makes sense
  10. The funn1k rant, damn. Also going to be a bit inactive, trying to improve my mmr.
    1. Egossi


      making your way up to ti amirite
    2. Owl


      what mmr are you anyway
    3. DrunkOlLunk


      im 1.4k. not very good in any sense but im trying to improve. i barely played dota, most of my hours are watching esports
  11. This looks like a good game, check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84288219/diabotical-by-the-gd-studio
  12. thread was closed before i could reply. i was responding to mahogany saying that spydyr is causing him to troll rather than doing it on his own. sorry for confusion :)
  13. TI6 Group Stage starts today!
  14. Where did chat box go?
    1. Egossi


      under the "forums" section
  15. Your new profile picture is more spooky than the skeleton.