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Posts posted by ZevoAnonReal

  1. Just a random thought becuase I've been playing alot of it lately Is it possible in anyway We could bring back Slender Fortress? Honestly at this point its just something different I play to pass time. Also with halloween around the corner maybe population for it would boost? People looking for ways to get there Spooks in.

    I second this, Just as @TacoSmasher47 stated, Bringing back slender fortress could bring people in to get their spooks in. All we could do and hope for the best is that people will join and play.

  2. 30073-219073fadd2af93e7704fc3278e32326.jpg

    I figured that I would start taking commissions for drawings. I will draw fan arts (game, anime, cartoon, etc.), person(in anime style), and oc (please give me the reference). + with/without background. Will be discussed for further understanding. (for additional character, detail or bg.) *Will only do upper body of the characters. For full body characters will be discussed as well.*

    For further contact you can reach me here.

    My steam.

    Or you can message me on here but that I will take a while to respond to the message.

    Thank you and have a good day/night.

    I draw with a cartoon-ish and semi-realistic style. I can do either traditional or digital.




  3. Ok i'm going to make a question for everyone who knows about the surf server.

    what would you do if you saw a spawnkiller? .......

    the correct answer if you are not part of the staff crew is..!CALLADMIN.


    I was in other XG servers before THG , Deathrun , jailbreak( now death), VHS , etc.

    In my point of view ,the surf server is the most dificult to handle.

    Probably you are saying why? well, at the surf server you can not spawnkilling , you can not put any building at spawn

    you can not sniping or shotting from spawn and you can not cptele away from the fight.

    we normaly have 2 or 3 spawnkillers per 10 minutes. and 3 or 5 bans per day.

    apart from that we have always a mic spamer or a tipical toxic guy. so

    for me as an admin. is not only enforce the rules at the server is also keep that environment good and enjoyable to get fun in a healthy way


    We need more Hands to handle it. we need a staff with experience. we need a staff who knows perfectly well the rules.

    and knows to make a good and enjoyable environment.


    skelly was an admin and that's mean he was a trusted staff member before.

    you need to be good staff to get that position. not everyone can get admin just easy.

    i know he stepped down and to be honest for me it feel soon but i'm not going to lie. actually i was afraid he is going to step down once again.

    but in this two weeks he showed me he is going serious.



    Firma oficial de TheVacindak [+1]

    I'm trying my best at lending a helping hand towards the Surf Server, so I do understand where you are coming from @Vacindak . I've also seen @Skeletal here and there for the most part of my time on all of the xG servers. He was a pretty good Admin from what I have seen in those days.



    :D:D:D:D:D:D for me it took me years to enter in TGH, Now with this .. i will take me seconds.

    with my internet being as it is atm (with hurricane harvey etc.) i still get in a min or so. but yea i agree on that it'll take a few seconds to enter.