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Status Updates posted by Jing

  1. Only slightly disappointed none of these were furry servers but I can't be the terrible trash person I am everywhere. Good Stuff
  2. Yall realize that last status was satire right idc if this aint furry or not gd
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YeEternalTuna


      Excuse me!!?!?!? @[107538:@virr] dont take everything everyone says on here lightly!!!! What if someone was in dire need of help!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?1//1/1?
    3. Egossi


      no one takes anything here seriously other than @[107538:@virr], dont worry lol
    4. Jing


      Nah I mean there was actually some guy (I removed the comment bc I'm a little bitch tbh lmao) who was like Please die uwu
  3. Back and already regretting it

    1. Jing


      This site changed while I was gone and I'm kinda lost. That was a like 9 month break. I turned 21 during that break.

    2. Elcark


      Site is still new and changing often. Everyone is lost. Welcome (back) to the club

  4. Someone told me I should die today. I told them I've actually flatlined before. They said sorry, but I said "i wish it stayed that way lmao"
  5. It's almost been 2 weeks since last status, but things are slowly becoming a bit more bearable. Sorry for continued time away from TF2.
  6. im dying homer
  7. dont hit me with any that e3 highlight shit unless somewhere deep behind the scenes they mentioned Skate 4
  8. bad time for tf2 and things in general for a while brb lmao
  9. Time to try and remember to be active again and just hope nothing else in life goes wrong lmao