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A few updates! 31/10/2012

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know about a few changes.


One, as some of you may know, Neo has started a NS2 (natural selection 2) division and it is booming! I'm sure if he hasn't already, that he will post a thread about it, and since the servers are always full, we will definitely work on it :)


I personally recommend for you guys to buy it, and if you have any questions, direct it to @@Neo


Anyways, a big change with ranks are coming, there will be alot of demotions *possibly* and this is because the ranks will be changing. We want Div Leaders to focus on their Div, so they will have complete access to their server just like charrax/aeon with G-mod, Brian for Tf2, and Deo/Microsoft with Minecraft (hopefully soon for this one lol) . They have been doing an incredible job for the most part, and we want this to be implemented on CSS and CS:GO and any future game we use. One of the changes is we might be adding a rank between Admin and Div Leader, as Div leader will have complete server access, the rank in between will basically be what div leaders in CSS do now, manage admins and mods, make sure promo/demo is going smoothly and unbiased etc. This will be taking alot of effort, and you can ask the other divs for TF2, G-mod and Minecraft that it isn't easy. The Divs will have full access on maps, servers, music etc and we will be teaching them so there is no confusion.


As I said, Admins might be getting a change, so we might have alot more demotions to Moderator not because they did something bad, but because there will be more responsibility although this is just a possibility. Also we will not have 5 div leaders over CSS, as it is not required for complete server access, we will pick only a few and then make the rest basically have the same job they had before, under a different title. Although we would like to give everyone the Div Leader rank who already has it, it's just

1. Some people do not have the activity it requires and,

2. we do not need too many people with that much control.


Anyways, there will be more updates soon, ps. Minecraft will be pushed this week or I'll beat up Silence rl!


Happy Gaming!


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sounds good, one question, will this new rank have forum powers so they can accept members and close threads? if so, i'm really ok with this

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