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Goals/Plans for XenoGamers

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@@PapiChulo @@HighSociety @RpgS @@Mark @@HaaDron


- For D's, learn the servers enough to be able to self manage it without help. Once that is accomplished, work on ideas to populate other servers.


- For all D/DM (and Silence) find new donation ideas for our servers. I have found a guy who might be making a donator skin, more on that soon. Discuss with Silence or community any ideas you guys have to strengthen our division.


Team Fortress 2

@Brian @Rise/Freedom


- Work on getting all the donation system set up with Silence please, he still has to give you credits access so bug him about it, I want TF2 to be profitable asap


- More advertisement on TF2, possible gifts on it once credits are ready.


CounterStrike GO

@@Unique @@silence


- Work on the HUB in CS:GO with silence, with ideas for what could be implemented in our servers


- Possibly another CS:GO server that would be populated, and work on populating other servers. Talk to the community more for CS:GO and try to figure out some more stuff to do, good job other then that



@@Deodate @@Microsoft


- Making money from it!


- Expanding once towny is completely stable, so we can get another server and more activity in our division.


Natural Selection 2



- Setting up a donation system (vip or something) as well, bug Silence or Starbuck so they help you. Other then that great job.


Nuclear Dawn



- Setting up a Donation System from it once again


- We already have the most populated server so no complaints, any ideas talk to Silence so he can help you with it.


League Of Legends

@@Chrono @@PiNoYPsYcHo


- Getting our first F2P tourny set up and completed by March.


- Getting more people to try out league and play within our community.




General Stuff

@@silence @@BillyMays @@serbiansnaga


- I want to have different ranks on the forums, not specifically something that has powers on the forums, but for example if a member joins CSS division, they get Member on the forum with (CSS) or something in their profile. If Silence can possibly put this into effect, the co-leaders (including myself) can promote the people little by little into their specific divisions. (in the future to implement this into Teamspeak would be great too)


- More events, more giveaways!


~Thanks for reading, happy gaming!

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Microsoft is div of minecraft o.O. I never see him on but I see him in team speak and the server is grotesque when it comes down to all the plugins put in place.


Other than that sounds great, would be nice for a faction server. :)

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please fix the unctbans on csgo and change the pub server to a scrim server, I'd be happy to organize csgo scrims!


You mean I WOULD be happy to organize Scrims! Get it right Unique..

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you do nothing but waste air with your shit singing nova.


related note, updated the tournament signups with the new info, trying to shoot for the same general time for the matches, now i just need to talk to the players and get them to get off their fat asses and sign up.

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@Link_ you cant tell @@Neo to do anything since he's not technically back in the clan yet - still waiting on those nipple pics.

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So theres how we could set up forum stats. Have individual membership statuses and allow all members to get into xG before a certain date to be considered part of all divisions. Like me, I would be considered a member of all divs.


Then you could have if they moderate for any divs, if they dont, it wont show up.


Then you could have if they admin for any divs, if they dont, it wont show up.


Then you could have if they are div leader for any divs, if they dont, it wont show up.


Then after that certain date where people have to apply for each division individually, allow people to change their title to what ever division their primary membership is for, if they are a member of multiple divisions.


Then if anyone is a mod, admin, etc, they can do the same as what the members could do, but they wouldnt be able to use membership titles say, if they were a mod for tf2.



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We need triple the hidden source servers.


I agree with Minecrack. i absolutely love The Hidden, i don't think there are Division Leaders, if there are I would like to know who.


And it would be nice for people to know that I am in CS:S. Cool idea c:

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- I want to have different ranks on the forums, not specifically something that has powers on the forums, but for example if a member joins CSS division, they get Member on the forum with (CSS) or something in their profile. If Silence can possibly put this into effect, the co-leaders (including myself) can promote the people little by little into their specific divisions. (in the future to implement this into Teamspeak would be great too)

This is going into effect with the new website style :) In Teamspeak, that may have to be coded manually :( but technically it shouldn't be that difficult.

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Changes sound gooD! However whats going on with the CSS servers that have no people in them EVER. Bhop, jailbreak, and minigame are pretty good, but the others are just dead.


Also @Link_ I can create ranks for the site. I would just need to know the sizes and what to put on each.

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